maple flats
10-27-2012, 07:11 PM
Today I went up to string some more mainlines. Armed with 3 helpers we hauled a large homemade spooler, filled with the last of my supply of 3/4" tubing, and 2000' of 1" tubing. Upon arriving at the bush, we proceeded to unload to get started. When getting the loaded spool off the truck, there was 1 in the truck, 3 on the ground, one on each side and one in front. As we lowered the heavy spool, one of 6 bolt stubs that holds the spool together caught me on the top/front of my head. I knew immediately it was not good as 1 grandson shouted "wow, that is deep" (not the most re-assuring to hear. Blood flowed down my face. I grabbed my handkerchief and held direct pressure. After a few minutes I tried removing the pressure but it flowed again. I never passed out or got dizzy, but a trip to the ER was now on the schedule. I showed my 3 helpers what to do and had my grandson call my wife to come get me. He then drove me out to the road and I was on my way to the ER. As ER visits go I got attention rather fast but it still took 2 hrs to get out, (40 minutes from injury to hospital and then 1 hr 20 min. in hospital to release). They glued my head back together, sent me for a cat scan, gave me a tetinus (sp?)shot and told me to take it easy for a couple of days. Before that spool hurts again I think I'll shorten the bolt stubs and finish them with an acorn nut or something less apt to harm anyone. I'm reminded it could have been much worse. I'll be good to go back soon.
After I left the woods, my workers finished the 3/4" mainline and then walked the old lines and removed a few limbs and trees on the lines. I'm told that went uneventful.
After I left the woods, my workers finished the 3/4" mainline and then walked the old lines and removed a few limbs and trees on the lines. I'm told that went uneventful.