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View Full Version : Small brothers bricking

Paul VT
10-21-2012, 07:21 AM
Anyone with a small bros arch. Is your arch bricked below the grates or only above?

farmall h
10-21-2012, 04:57 PM
The sides are bricked in a fashion to support the grates. leader in Swanton can print you a diagram. Grimm and Small Bros. arches are basically the same.

10-21-2012, 09:33 PM
Yes the area below the grates should be bricked do you know what model you have?
I assume this is a new evaporator. Am I correct? Who did you purchase this evaporator from?

Paul VT
10-22-2012, 04:46 AM
It is a lightning 2x6. Not sure how old it is? How do I brick it so the brick doesn't fall over? Because the bottom flares out? The bottom of the fire box was open so I made a pan out of 1/8 steel. Not sure if it would support the weight of the brick?