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220 maple
10-19-2012, 08:52 PM
My first Cousin decided to make the investment, Brenneman's Maple tubing crew is starting 7am Monday, hoping to install 4000 taps in Two weeks. If they could done it all this time I suspect the finally number would've been 6500 plus. All taps will run into the Sugarhouse. I will be there to help, going to be loads of fun, but real hard work! Some of this mountain is steep.

Mark 220 Maple

10-30-2012, 08:59 AM
My first Cousin decided to make the investment, Brenneman's Maple tubing crew is starting 7am Monday, hoping to install 4000 taps in Two weeks. If they could done it all this time I suspect the finally number would've been 6500 plus. All taps will run into the Sugarhouse. I will be there to help, going to be loads of fun, but real hard work! Some of this mountain is steep.

Mark 220 Maple

How is Sandy affecting this job? I hear reports of big snow in WV.

220 maple
10-30-2012, 02:52 PM
We shut down installaton on Sat., Amish tubing crew working for Brenneman's Maple decided to take this weekoff, planning on hitting the mountain again next week.
They had a good first week, Pulled 28000 feet of 3 quarter lateral lines, installed tubing to maybe a thrid of them. Actually ran out of 3/4 need about 7 or 8000 more feet. Also need about 800 feet more of 1-1/2" pipeline for the wet-dry line. I have not been to the installation area since Sunday evening so I can't tell you how much snow is there, from what I'm hearing probably a foot or more of snow.

Mark 220 Maple