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View Full Version : Poly vaccuum tank?

10-14-2012, 06:08 PM
I have an extra 325 gallon poly tank and I'm wondering if I can use this as a vacuum tank in part of my woods that has about 150-175 taps. I'm thinking of adding two fittings on top of the tank - one for the vacuum line and the other for the mainline. I'm wondering if I can save on getting a releaser for this area since it's something that I have but I'm not sure if it can take 17 or 20" of vacuum.

Any thoughts?

10-14-2012, 06:16 PM
Pretty posative wont work. Vacuum will fold it right in. Even a stainless tank that isnt designed for vac will fold right up. Some zero brand tanks are rated to do I think. See if you can find one of them. Theron

Dennis H.
10-14-2012, 07:08 PM
Won't work.
It can hold some pressure but no vac.

I tried this just out of curiousity a while back. I have a small 35 gal poly tank and was curious what would happen to it when I hook the vac up to it.

Well lets say that the gauge never even showed and vac before it stated to colapse in on it self. I was able to disconnect the vac pump before it totally sucked the ply tank in but when it was done the tank had a slight disformation to it.

It you do a search on youtube you will find videos of destruction of 55gal drums hooked up to vacs. really cool to watch and amazing at what kind of force vac can have.

10-14-2012, 07:31 PM
OK, you guys are telling me what I thought but I had to ask. I can sell the tank and apply it toward a releaser.