View Full Version : New Cdl 2x6

Tappy Sap Master
10-10-2012, 06:39 PM
5966Does anybody have any pics or links to on installing arch board and firebricks in an arch? Also, i was wondering if anyone has built a raised ash box under the firebox because there is no room underneath to shovel out the ash?

Bucket Head
10-10-2012, 09:53 PM
Archboard and the blanket type insulation cuts easily with a utility knife. Use some sort of straight edge as a guide and you'll be fine. Cut the stuff so you fully line the fire box and the rest of the arch. The bricks are only for the firebox, to protect the insulation from getting damaged by the wood. Firebricks can be laid up with refractory cement or they can be put up "dry"- with no cement. That way its easier to remove them should the arch be moved. I did mine dry. Its easier to do them dry when you have angled arch sides. Not all of them have that. There should be tons of pics in the evaporator or homemade sections of this site. I'm not quite sure I understand the raised firebox thing. I know many folks set their arch up on cement blocks, patio blocks, bricks, etc., in an effort to reduce how far one bends over to load firewood in. This also allows for more draft air to go up through the grates because its now up off the floor, and that additional space also allows for easier ash cleanout. Like I said, check out the sections on here, and check out the Youtube videos that are syrup related- theres a lot of them! Sooner or later you'll see an arch up on blocks and you'll see the large pile of coals/ashes underneath it, glowing orange or red. Thats the space I'm talking about. Good luck with the new rig.


Tappy Sap Master
10-11-2012, 05:08 AM
Thanx Steve ill post pics as i go!

10-19-2012, 06:47 PM
Not too many details on the raised block under the arch, would that be the same as a firing pit or totally different? Kind of stuck on that myself. Hopefully there are some here that can explain the raised arch good bad or different ideas.

maple flats
10-20-2012, 07:04 AM
When I first started in maple, I too worried about the ashes. Just remove them before they build up to the grates. I used to shovel them out about every18-24 hrs of boiling, thru the draft door. Now with HP air, both over and under the fire, I only need to clean ash about 2x a season, still out the draft door, which is always blocked closed except for ash removal.