View Full Version : Arch combustion temperature - Leader Evaporator

09-24-2012, 09:31 AM
Does anyone know what the combustion temperature is in the arch of a Leader Evaporator oil fired unit. I see the stack temps range from 650 - 750 degrees F. They use a 2600 degree fiber blanket in the arch but I cannot understand why??? I spoke with Carlin burners, the burners Leader uses and they say that a 2300 degree blanket should work just fine. I have a friend who needs to re-line his arch and the 2600 degree blanket is very expensive!!! :o

Any help would be appreciated :cool:

09-24-2012, 11:22 AM
You can get blanket at ceramicfiberonline.com. the have the the 2600 degree blanket for $92 a roll for 24inx300inx1in. The 2600 will help keep more heat inside the arch.

09-24-2012, 01:32 PM
Thank you for the response but that website is run by a company called Ceramsource (formerly Intersource) from NJ. They are an importer of Chinese material. I would rather pay a couple extra $$ to keep an American working than buy that inferior quality junk. I can get 2600 degree blanket from a local New England manufacturer for less than $10 more a roll and 2400 & 2300 degree blanket for much less as well.

I'm just looking for the operating temp inside the arch. 2600 degree blanket does not insulate any better than 2300 material. The only difference is that it has more Alumina in order to withstand higher constant temperatures and keep shrinkage down. Thermal conductivity on both blankets is identical and anyone who tells you differently is lying to sell you a higher priced item to make more profit. You may want to consider finding a LOCAL supplier for your fiber...

09-24-2012, 05:32 PM
FW Webb stores sells the board and blanket as well.. That is where I purchased my board.

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-24-2012, 08:00 PM
i pay 75 + shipping for a 2ft x 25ft roll

09-24-2012, 08:06 PM
Thank you for the response but that website is run by a company called Ceramsource (formerly Intersource) from NJ. They are an importer of Chinese material. I would rather pay a couple extra $$ to keep an American working than buy that inferior quality junk. I can get 2600 degree blanket from a local New England manufacturer for less than $10 more a roll and 2400 & 2300 degree blanket for much less as well.

I'm just looking for the operating temp inside the arch. 2600 degree blanket does not insulate any better than 2300 material. The only difference is that it has more Alumina in order to withstand higher constant temperatures and keep shrinkage down. Thermal conductivity on both blankets is identical and anyone who tells you differently is lying to sell you a higher priced item to make more profit. You may want to consider finding a LOCAL supplier for your fiber...

What ever floats your boat, I thought you were trying to find some cheaper blanket. Leader could probably tell you the temp with a simple phone call

Bucket Head
09-24-2012, 10:55 PM

You'd be surprised as to how many "American companies" are getting their stuff from overseas. Don't let an address from the U.S.A. fool you...

How can 2300 and 2600 degree blanket be the same thing? You say one can withstand higher constant temps. because of more Alumina. Well, 2600 degrees is different than 2300 degrees. I'm almost certain thats about 300 degrees difference.

The firebox temps. on a woodfired rig with forced draft and good wood are around 1600-1700+ degrees. Steel will glow orange/bright orange at 1700, which is what the sides of my arch used to do before I installed 2600 degree blanket. I believe an oil fired unit has a slightly cooler firebox temp., but maybe some oil burners will chime in here and set the record straight.

09-25-2012, 09:06 AM
I have bought from FW Webb in the past. Very convenient but they do not stock the full size boards. They do carry the Lynn board though which is a real plus!

09-25-2012, 09:25 AM

You'd be surprised as to how many "American companies" are getting their stuff from overseas. Don't let an address from the U.S.A. fool you...

How can 2300 and 2600 degree blanket be the same thing? You say one can withstand higher constant temps. because of more Alumina. Well, 2600 degrees is different than 2300 degrees. I'm almost certain thats about 300 degrees difference.

The firebox temps. on a woodfired rig with forced draft and good wood are around 1600-1700+ degrees. Steel will glow orange/bright orange at 1700, which is what the sides of my arch used to do before I installed 2600 degree blanket. I believe an oil fired unit has a slightly cooler firebox temp., but maybe some oil burners will chime in here and set the record straight.

If you read my post you would see that I stated that the 2300 and 2600 degree blankets INSULATE the same. In other words they offer the same THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY. For example, if you take 2" of 2300 degree blanket and expose it to 2000 degrees the temperature on the other side of the blanket will be the same as having installed a 2400 or 2600 or even a 3000 degree blanket. The classification temperature has nothing to do with thermal conductivity (insulating value).

So what I am saying is that if your arch has a combustion temperature of under 2100 degrees F it makes absolutely no sense to install a blanket with a temperature rating over 2300. The only thing you are accomplishing is paying anywhere from 20% to 100% more money. I am including the data sheet for blankets ranging between 2300 and 2600 degree classifications. Look at the THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY numbers they are exactly the same.

Lynn does not get their stuff from overseas. They make it in Lynn, MA. I've picked up there before and saw their vacuum forming operation. They were nice enough to give me a very brief tour. They said they can even make custom sizes and shapes of the arch boards.

In this economy I look to buy American - isn't that what the American maple industry is all about???? Or do we prefer to let Canada or even CHINA take over the market entirely???


Flat Lander Sugaring
09-25-2012, 05:17 PM
last year before I purchased mine I emailed the companies and asked about who produces their product. One company emailed back and said they had a limited amount of American made blanket left and after that was gone they were going to start caring Chinese stuff. So only way is to contact them directly and ask, hopefully they are honest with you

Bucket Head
09-25-2012, 10:03 PM
Okay, I've reread the posts. From what I see, everyone's debating a moot point. Everyone can stop typing now. In the first post, a question was asked of a Carlin Oil Burner spokesperson about what insulation should be used in an oil fired evaporator. The spokesperson stated the 2300 degree blanket would be fine. So unless the spokesperson was lying, combustion chamber temperature would be less than 2300 degrees. So beyond that, we've wasted our time. The choice between 2300 and 2600 degree blanket, where it is purchased and how much is spent, is all personel preference.

And just for the record, I prefer the 2600 blanket. I like its performance. It works very well and I would purchase it again.
