View Full Version : 2005 Results

04-05-2006, 09:36 PM
I figured out my numbers. The number of taps and the vacuum system in the last three years have been the same for me. This years was my worst of those years.
710 taps of which 701 were on vacuum and health spouts and 9 buckets
Boiled 11,007 gal of sap= 15.5 gallons of sap per tap
Made 236 gallons of syrup=.33 gallons of syrup per tap
11007/236=46.64 gal of sap to make 1 gal of syrup on the average.
My sugar content started out around 2.6 and ended around 1.5
I know that some will say that .33gal/tap is good but not for me. I'm determined to reach 1/2 gal/tap. If proctor research says it can be done then I'm going to try.
I have not had enough time to find out from some producers in my area that tapped in early Feb as to how they did near the end of March. For me the season was about 3 weeks long My first boil was on 3-7 and my last on the 31st. I'm wondering if I had gotten the runs in early Feb how I would have done in late March?
Gives me plenty to still try and figure out to improve on my totals for next year.

04-07-2006, 08:46 AM
Hmmm Maybe I should get a meter and monitor exactly how many gallons I boil... All I know is if I collect it I have to Boil it :wink: but I can say I made 82 gallons on what started out on 337 taps.. then went down to 325 appx after I took some out that stayed dry... boiled for 99.8 hours in 3.5 weeks and only 3-4 days of that not boiling days.... So I feel I had a great season for the amount of days I had. % started out at 3.5... then down to1.8 that with shutting down the 96 Reds on vacuum the last week that went to 1%.... wish I could find a nice stand of sugars that I could get 200+taps on tubing and cut down on our collection times on the roadsides.... Dream.. Dream....Dream...

04-07-2006, 05:06 PM
This will make you all feel better. I started out at 1.5% and quit at 1%. We made 207 gallons off 1500+ taps. You do the math, it depresses me. But hey, we will get them next year. Glad to see the .33 gallons per tap. That is great.

maple flats
04-07-2006, 06:05 PM
I should be so lucky. I had 225 taps on sugars and 75 on reds. I made 41 gal which only gives me .1366 gal/tap. But better than last year at .1 g/tap. In 04 I made 39 gal on 117 taps for .333/tap and in 03 I made 14.5 gal on 40 taps for .3625. 06 was my first year tapping anything other than sugars or black maple. Previously I had 14 yard tree taps and the rest were woods trees. This year I had 99 roadside and yard tree taps. I need to get set up on vacumn and get enough to make good use of an RO. My land is quite flat and I would need some sap ladders. I just can't justify running the generator to operate such a small system. Therefor I need to run power to the sugarhouse, will it ever end? I have no more sugar maples or black maples in my woods of tapping size but do have many reds.

04-07-2006, 07:11 PM
I ended up with 73 gallons on 425 taps or .172 gallon per tap. Not terrible and definitely could have been worse, but not good either. The worst part was 73 gallon of sap out of 4100 gallon of sap, or 56 to 1 or 1.55 percent sugar content. :?

TR Hardwoods
04-07-2006, 08:32 PM
So far I have made 31 gals. on 150 taps and I have one more boil this weekend. Should be able to get to around 36gals. which would put me around .25gal/tap. This is the best year I have ever had, not spectacular production but good for me considering that all these taps are in red maples.

04-08-2006, 09:11 PM
As it was pointed out to me I messed up on the title it should have been 2006 in stead of 2005.

TR Hardwoods
04-10-2006, 08:22 PM
Finished all cooking tonight and we ended up with 37gal., 1gal. more than previous post.