View Full Version : filtering directly from the evaporator

Mike Czok
09-17-2012, 07:57 AM
I'm trying to figure out if I can filter press right off the evaporator. I draw off 2/3 gallons every half hour. I want to know if the press will cool down too much. It would be great if I could bottle at the same time. Any advice?

09-17-2012, 07:31 PM
That is about what I am drawing and I run a 7" press (older cast iron). I have about a 7 gallon drawoff tank and run it through after each draw. If I know that I will not be making more than 10 gallons I do not use all the plates. I have cut pieces of pipe to slide over the rods so I can use as few as 3 hollow plates.

12-28-2012, 04:46 PM
which leads to this question, how many producers out there, even if you do use a filter press, filter the syrup that you are drawing off right from the evaporator? That is the only time that Ireally filter at all. I use a cone filter and several pre-filters right into a SS pail..when the pail is full, I start with a new pail. Once all the boiling is done, I dump the syrup into a large SS stock pot, bring the syrup up to at least 180 then start bottling..