View Full Version : New 12x16 shack

09-11-2012, 12:01 AM

09-11-2012, 12:05 AM

09-11-2012, 12:09 AM
Metal roof should be in on Thurs so hopefully i can start getting it up this weekend...still can't believe that i have my own sugar house!

09-11-2012, 07:15 AM
That is a great looking start to what will be a nice place to spend a lot of time.
What pitch did you make the roof? I'll be building a shack before winter and haven't decided on a roof pitch yet.

09-11-2012, 07:51 AM
Mine is 12 x 16 as well and now am thinking of framing out the deck for a bottling room. Does it ever stop!!


09-11-2012, 11:20 AM
Mine is 12 x 16 as well and now am thinking of framing out the deck for a bottling room. Does it ever stop!!


NO!!......................(why do we need 10 characters?)

09-11-2012, 07:28 PM
Looks Good!!Are you putting up board and battan for the sides?

09-11-2012, 07:47 PM
Mine started out at as 12x16 in 2009. I then built a lean-to on the front for wood storage. Then I built a 10x16 shed roof off one side to store my tractor. Then I extended the roofline 4 feet on the other side to stack wood. Then I enclosed the 10x16 addition and made it part of the sugarhouse. Then I enclosed the front lean-to and removed the original front wall. Then I enclosed the 4 foot extension on the other side and ripped out that original wall. Then I added another 8 foot extension onto that side for wood storage...and on and on. It is now 22x16 plus the additional 12x8 front addition. I would like to extend the original roofline another 12 feet or so out the back in the future.

09-11-2012, 07:50 PM
Mine started out at as 12x16 in 2009. I then built a lean-to on the front for wood storage. Then I built a 10x16 shed roof off one side to store my tractor. Then I extended the roofline 4 feet on the other side to stack wood. Then I enclosed the 10x16 addition and made it part of the sugarhouse. Then I enclosed the front lean-to and removed the original front wall. Then I enclosed the 4 foot extension on the other side and ripped out that original wall. Then I added another 8 foot extension onto that side for wood storage...and on and on. It is now 22x16 plus the additional 12x8 front addition. I would like to extend the original roofline another 12 feet or so out the back in the future.

Now that's funny there!!! It would make a great book!!

09-12-2012, 11:38 AM
The roof is 12 12 pitch....its steep but it tooks nice and will give me enough room for a small loft for my holding tank...and im going to use 8" ship lap that a local mill makes...my grandfather has some left over from a new garage so im going to use it up..next is coming up wit a plan for the cupola doors...any opinions?

09-12-2012, 08:39 PM
I am going to make my doors with old basement windows when I get around to putting on a cupola. hinged at the bottom with a pulley and rope so I can open and close it easily. the windows will add natural light when the doors are shut, as opposed to louvers or solid boards....

maple flats
09-13-2012, 05:01 AM
I never saw a basement window that opened easily, they often stick. Make sure you have a way to push the window open, a rope will close it well.

09-13-2012, 09:07 AM
I never saw a basement window that opened easily, they often stick. Make sure you have a way to push the window open, a rope will close it well. well right now i just have the sashes, the old frames rotted, so i am going to make new frames, and plan to make the frames loose enough to open easily.

09-13-2012, 11:35 PM
I just picked up 2 old wooden windows...each with 4 panes...they are 4'8" long and 18" high....they will fit perfect..its crazy wat people throw out!!and i am going to use board and batton..ship lap got ruined...roof came in today...they didnt give me all the flashing i orderrd so ill have to wait a bit to get it on..

10-09-2012, 10:49 PM
Couple of progress pics...slowly getting there...still a ways to go before winter falls and they are saying first snow by the end of this week!!!!!hopefully this weekend i will finish the roof completely then i can focus on getting the rest of the walls and batons finished, then get my barn doors on, storage tank platform...after that...elec, get my arch started so i can figure out what to do for a stove pipe...oh yea...and get all of my tubing up..got a busy fall ahead of me!!but wouldn't trade it for anything

01-15-2013, 10:52 PM
Finalllly on the homestretch......just gotta get the stack through the roof and get the new arch bricked up....going to go with the garbage can idea, but stuff the inside of it with insulation, then put a hole in the cover and put it back on the upside down can to hold the insulation in and have it sealed...so kinda like a homemade metalbestos monster pipe..ha..for those of you who have facebook and want to check out my page, here is the link with photos of my almost complete shack


shane hickey
01-15-2013, 10:55 PM
Looks very nice just remember time is ticking

01-15-2013, 11:25 PM

01-15-2013, 11:27 PM

01-16-2013, 11:08 AM
[QUOTE=derekp;199903]going to go with the garbage can idea, but stuff the inside of it with insulation, then put a hole in the cover and put it back on the upside down can to hold the insulation in and have it sealed

Years ago I stuffed fiberglass insulation between a metal ring and the stove pipe in my camp to help protect the wall from heat. My first big fire ignited the wall. We had to pull steel panel off and pull out the insulation. It's been fine ever since. The insulation trapped the heat and did not allow the pipe to cool. A 3" air space seems to work best for me, essentially a double wall pipe.

01-16-2013, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the info on your experience....im glad i know not to do that now...i guess i'll go with a minimum of 3 inches of space on either side of the stack...i appreciate the info.

01-16-2013, 06:15 PM
Nice job , Im so tired of the shanty put up and takedown each year . Youre an inspiration to me !

01-16-2013, 06:54 PM
Very nice place man. Well done!

01-18-2013, 02:47 AM
Looks great!!! Happy sugaring!
take some pics of your roof jack build......Planning on attempting mine this next weekend.

maple flats
01-18-2013, 05:06 AM
Finalllly on the homestretch......just gotta get the stack through the roof and get the new arch bricked up....going to go with the garbage can idea, but stuff the inside of it with insulation, then put a hole in the cover and put it back on the upside down can to hold the insulation in and have it sealed...so kinda like a homemade metalbestos monster pipe..ha..for those of you who have facebook and want to check out my page, here is the link with photos of my almost complete shack

That depends on the insulation used, fiberglass is combustible at high temperatures, go figure. You could get hot enough to ignite. If you put vermiculite in or ceramic blanket either will work. However an air space is better (and cheaper). I made my own triple wall pipe for between the ceiling joists up to thbetween the trusses and against the metal roofing. I started with 12" stack, made 2" sheet metal spacers, riveted on the outside, then put a 16" 28 or 30 ga pipe over it, just up to tight under the metal roof. Then I did the same thing and again and put a 20" pipe over it. This is all suspended by light wt chain. For the 16" and 20" I joined 2 30 ga pipes together. For a rounder pipe (mine are not perfectly round) get a sheet metal shop to make the larger pipes. If you have a 6 or 8" stack you can easily find a 10 and 12". Likely a 1" space would work just as well too. Just make the spacers either v shape or better a squared top inverted U, with wings to rivet. Make the spacers full length to have rivet access top and bottom. Good luck.

01-18-2013, 09:16 AM
Awesome sugar shack! Makes me jealous and anxious to get out in the woods.