View Full Version : syrup heist in Quebec

09-05-2012, 12:23 AM
Read an article in local news paper about a maple syrup heist in Quebec where they store the syrup for keeping syrup supply flowing.The article stated over 1,000,000 dollar value of the syrup stolen,they found the empty drums so I am assuming it was pumped into a tanker? Anyone else seen anything about this?

09-05-2012, 11:53 AM
I just read about it, made the national news!


I hope this stuff doesn't get pumped into the market at pennies on the dollar.

My cynical and optimistic side thinks: maybe they dumped it into the river and will collect the insurance? Doubt it.

09-05-2012, 08:01 PM
Maybe the season wasn't that good. Maybe the drums were empty to begin with. Maybe OMEC was trying to prevent $4/lb syrup (a la 2008). Maybe Tim Horton's is really Dunkin Donuts relabeled.