View Full Version : We have heist suspects

09-01-2012, 08:25 PM
1.Mrs. Butterworth and Aunt Jemima
They're not maple and they know it. Jealousy leads people to do bad things, and these women could have teamed up for the dastardly deed.

2.Quebecois children
Kids always want more syrup and with their diminutive size, they have a better chance to sneak into the factory and syphon out the sweet stuff without anybody noticing.

3.Jacques Couture of the Vermont Maple Foundation
The plot thickens if this is an international crime. With Quebec holding down such a large global market share, syrup producers in Vermont stand to gain the most from a syrup disappearance of this magnitude. Also, have you ever heard a better syrup villain name than Jacques Couture?

4.Maple Trees
They could definitely be mad that we're tapping their sap.

5.The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers
First rule of all heists: never rule out the possibility of an inside job. Money is a powerful motive and there's always the chance that somebody got greedy. Or accidentally made an extra 500,000 waffles.

I would place my bets on suspect No. 5