View Full Version : A200 hobart mixer

08-28-2012, 04:49 PM
Does any one use an a200 to mix sugar? Can it be used to make cream? I'm looking to buy one what is a good price?

08-29-2012, 07:13 AM
They work great for sugar! I haven't tried cream with mine, but I've heard you can end up with grainy cream. Watch ebay, craigslist etc for a deal, we paid $700 and that is one of the cheaper ones I've seen.

08-31-2012, 09:18 AM
I looked quite a bit for a good used Hobart commercial mixer, but found them to be quite pricey so I ended up buying a used Leader paddle style cream machine for a very reasonable price. I then scored a second lightly used round pan at Leader's open house which has made things a bit quicker in the kitchen. Not saying the Hobarts are not a great option, but they can be hard to find cheap so perhaps you could keep an eye out for a paddle machine as well.

I find I can make about 1.5 gallons worth of sugar in one batch without the pan overflowing, and it makes a very consistent sugar. I don't clean it between batches, and have tweaked the paddles a bit to minimize stickage. I also use a wooden paddle by hand as the machine is turning to prevent caking in the corners.