View Full Version : Lease a space for Sugarhouse questions

08-24-2012, 04:36 PM
HI All,

I was approached by a homeowner in a tourist trap town wanting to no if I would be interested in leasing her Barn area ing the middle of this town. Theres a ton of foot traffic back and forth around the town and it would have great exposure for retail sales. What Im wondering is, what kinda of agreements should I be paying attention to, Like lease time frames and costs. Also what would be a fair leasing price.

Building description is a 24'x 20' wit attached space that would be a wood shed 10'x20'

I would have new power service installed and in my name.
I would have to do alot of work to building to get it to my standards for operation. ( my cost will result in an increase of her property value)
And would have to carry some sort of liabillty insurance on the building year round

Its an ideal location and I am very interested in persuing this, but just want to now what you guys/gals think. And makesure I havnt missed anything.


08-27-2012, 10:53 AM
I am always leery of putting a lot of money into something I don't own. I'd check around for a wrecked house or something instead of doing a lot to a place you may lose. The real estate market is dead, so you may be able to find something in the same town. If you do something with the homeowner, I would say it may be a good idea to make it all portable. Set up an evaporator on a trailer and have a sales area in the house. That way if you need to change locations, you can take it all with you no problem. Just my 2 cents.

HI All,

I was approached by a homeowner in a tourist trap town wanting to no if I would be interested in leasing her Barn area ing the middle of this town. Theres a ton of foot traffic back and forth around the town and it would have great exposure for retail sales. What Im wondering is, what kinda of agreements should I be paying attention to, Like lease time frames and costs. Also what would be a fair leasing price.

Building description is a 24'x 20' wit attached space that would be a wood shed 10'x20'

I would have new power service installed and in my name.
I would have to do alot of work to building to get it to my standards for operation. ( my cost will result in an increase of her property value)
And would have to carry some sort of liabillty insurance on the building year round

Its an ideal location and I am very interested in persuing this, but just want to now what you guys/gals think. And makesure I havnt missed anything.


08-27-2012, 11:35 AM
I currently lease my sugar house. Its a hand shake lease done by my grandfather. Its a scary situation with changing generations that own it and the owners wife that is a complete b*$%h. I would definitely get a rock solid or as close to rock solid lease as you can. Also always have a back up plan just in case something happens. Retail sales is where you can make money so if its possible i would definitely try it

08-28-2012, 01:00 PM
I have a friend who has a sugarhouse in a great location, and he said that he's used it as a kind of a farm stand all summer. Why not? Put a few refrigerators in there and sell all sorts of produce as well. I like stuff that keeps. This summer I sold maple syrup, sea salt made by a friend of mine, t-shirts and antiques. It was really fun.