View Full Version : New Maple School and Tradeshow Sept. 29th!! Hosted by FCMSA
Jason Gagne
08-23-2012, 07:24 AM
Dear Sugar Makers:
I am pleased to announce our first annual Franklin County Vermont Maple School! Franklin County Maple Sugarmakers Assoc. will be hosting this event on Saturday, September 29, 2012 at the Franklin County Field Days site. Vendors will be setup for a trade show and there will be seminars and classes throughout the day. Our list of Speakers and classes are as follows:
Mike Farrell – Buying and Sell Sap
Nancy Patch – Forest Management
Glen Goodrich – Boiling
Outside Demo tubing setup by J.R. Sloan
Efficiency VT & Variable Frequency Drives
Round Table (everything in the woods)
Tom St.Pierre & Bruce Gagne Finance & Insurance
Glen Goodrich- Boil with the most efficiency using RO,Steam pans, and Evaporation
Henry Marckres – New Grading
Bill Clark – I can only imagine
Henry Marckres - Safety in the Sugarhouse
Glen Goodrich – Filter Press operation (a mystery revealed)
Round Table Everything inside the Sugarhouse
3:00 – 4:00
Everything RO this class will examine(five different classes for each RO make):
• Setting up an RO (power and water and storage requirements)
• Start Up (sounds easy right)
• Maintenance (what’s that? I just turn that button over there)
• Common Problems (no one has problems right?)
• How can I get more out of this unit? (Expansion kits?)
CDL Units
D & G Units
H2O Units
Lapierre Units
Springtech Units
(Note: There maybe addition speaker)
Registration will start at 8:00am and classes will begin at 9:00am. The cost for the day is $35 per person, which includes access to the trade show, classes/seminars, and a catered lunch.
Walk-in registration is welcome; however, we highly recommend pre-registering for this event as our maximum attendance for the maple school will be 300 people. In order to reserve your spot at the event, please pre-register by filling out the attached portion below and mailing it to the following address, along with a check made out to FCMSMA:
Ryan Howrigan
701 Johnny Bull Hill
Fairfield, VT 05455
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the Franklin County maple school!
Kind Regards,
Kyle Branon
Name :________________________
# of Attendees : __________________
Amount Enclosed : __________________
Phone Number : ___________________
OR print of the attached poster, fill it out and mail it in!
08-28-2012, 11:29 AM
Sounds like a great event, I wish I was closer. Does anyone know of any similar events closer to NE Ohio?
08-28-2012, 12:02 PM
November 9th and 10th 2012 --
Keynote speakers:
Glenn Goodrich (Goodrich Maple Farm),
Tim Wilmot (University of Vermont Ext) and
Michael Farrell (Cornell University).
Partial List
Co-sponsored by Northwest PA Maple Syrup Producers Association, Ohio Maple Producers Association, Western New York State Maple Producers and the Albion FFA
Expo Location:
Northwestern High School
200 Harthan Way
Albion, PA 16401
click here to download a registration form .pdf
click here to download a press release .pdf
Trade Show Contact info:
Karl Evans
Mayhill Maple Products
10238 Dennison-Ashtabula Road
Orwell, OH 44076
Conference Contact info:
Daryl Sheets
PO Box722
Meadville, PA 16335
08-29-2012, 09:52 PM
Hate to tell you that Log Cabin stuff is all over the country. and is currently on their web page.
I have a bunch of pictures just like yours with Log Cabin Corn Syrup in stores strategically placed in the maple syrup.
The other really bad product is Agave with Maple Syrup. Warning processors often purchase Commercial "B" for the maple flavor.
Agave with Maple Syrup is not a product most of us would enjoy.
Jason Gagne
08-31-2012, 06:23 AM
Still time to register for the Conference. All vendors welcomed and have till September 15 to reg.
If you need a form emailed or a Question then:
Jason Gagne
09-07-2012, 08:08 PM
Just wanted to add the conference schedule. I hope this answers alot of question about who and times.
Franklin County Maple Sugarmakers Association
Schedule of Events for September 29, 2012 Conference
8:00 – 9:30 Registration Begins & Trade Show Opens
8:00 – Hydrometers Drop off for verification
8:45 - Welcome
9:00 – 10:00
Room A: Glen Goodrich – Boiling- From the basics to the complicated. Get the information to make boiling a stress free job. From drop to raised flue, parallel to crossflow and everything in between.
Room B: Mike Farrell Director, Cornell University’s Uihlein Forest– Buying and Selling Sap:
There are few businesses outside of agriculture that make large capital investments in equipment that is only used part‐time during a 4‐6 week period each year. In order to get the maximum return from their investment, businesses often try to utilize their equipment to the greatest extent possible.
Come visit Mr. Farrell to learn the business side of buying and selling Sap!
Room C: Nancy Patch, Franklin-Grand Isle County Forester – Sugarbush Health: Now and in the Future:
Join a conversation with Franklin-Grand Isle County Forester, Nancy Patch about the complexities of forest management and how to get the most out of the forest for long term sap production, and a healthy ecosystem. Stresses in this century are different than what we faced in the past. This presentation and discussion will offer ways to work with nature to get the best results.
Room D: VT Timothy D. Perkins, Ph.D. – Research Professor & Director - UVM Proctor Center Update: From Check-valves to Tapping Guidelines. This presentation will describe some of the ongoing research at the University of Vermont Proctor Maple Research Center, focusing on taphole sanitation studies, projects aimed at improving vacuum delivery to tapholes, and recent assessments of tapping guidelines.
Outside: J.R. Sloan Tubing- Get a hands on approach to tubing installation. See how different options and ideas can help you operate more efficiently.
Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:30
Room A: Glen Goodrich – How to Process Sap Efficiently in Todays World- How to obtain the best possible efficiencies with an evaporator; an evaporator with a steam device; an evaporator with an R.O.; an evaporator with a steam device and R.O. This presentation examines how to make syrup safely and effectively using this technology.
Room B: Mike Farrell Director, Cornell University’s Uihlein Forest – Birch and Walnut Syrup: Have you ever thought of tapping Birch and Walnut trees? This presentation investigates the potentials of producing Birch and Walnut syrup, with your equipment and methods.
11:00 – 11:50
Room C: Nancy Patch, Franklin-Grand Isle County Forester – Harvesting Options for Sugarbush Management: Comparing management options including crop tree release, uneven-aged management and even-aged management. What is the best choice for you?
Room D: Catherine Beauregard & Jenn Osgood, Efficiency Vermont- Variable Frequency Drive Efficiencies: Did you know that using a variable frequency drive for your vacuum pump could cut your energy costs by up to 30- 50%? This presentation will provide you with information you need to make your sugaring operation more energy efficient. Energy-efficient lighting can help you as much as 75% on lighting costs. Replace incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient fluorescent or LED lights.
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 1:50
Room A: Round Table: Everything in the woods, Jason Gagne-Moderator: Cecile Branon, Matt Howrigan, and Chris Beebe. A question and answer forum on everything related to the Woods
Room B: Henry Marckres, State of Vermont Dept. of Agriculture – New Grading System
Room C: Tom St.Pierre & Bruce Gagne Finance & Insurance – The Business of a Sugaring Operation: Explore the different options for financing equipment, buildings, and land.
Insurance coverage for your Sugaring Operation- What do you really need to be “covered” in your policy?
Room D: Glen Goodrich – Filter Press operation (a mystery revealed) The ins and outs of filter press operation.
Outside: J.R. Sloan Tubing- Get a hands on approach to tubing installation. See how different options and ideas can help you operate more efficiently.
2:00 – 2:50
Room A: Round Table Everything inside the Sugarhouse, Kevin Archambault- Moderator, Tom Hungerford, Cody Lesperance, and Rick Mayotte. A question and answer forum on everything related to the Sugarhouse.
Room B: Henry Marckres, State of Vermont Dept. of Agriculture – Food Safety and Allergens
Room C: Bill Clark – "Bill Clark's Memories - The 1940's and so on and so forth".
Room D: Reverse Osmosis- D & G Units
3:00 – 4:00
Everything RO: Setting up an RO, Start Up, Maintenance, Common Problems, and How can I get more out of this unit?
Room A: CDL Units Room B: Lapierre Units
Room C: H2O Units Room D: Springtech Units
Room E: Taste of Sweetness, Cooking Maple Confections, Cecile Branon.
09-28-2012, 06:38 PM
hey...anyone know the address of this place..we are driving up from southern nh and the poster is unreadable...thanks all..chris
09-28-2012, 07:19 PM
hey...anyone know the address of this place..we are driving up from southern nh and the poster is unreadable...thanks all..chris
It is at the Franklin Country Field Days location, Airport Road, Highgate.
Directions at
Jason Gagne
09-28-2012, 07:21 PM
We've had a great number of prereg. people for the event and a long list of vendors already. We still have room for a few more so come early if you would like a meal ticket. Direction to the Franklin County Field Days site: Take I-89 to exist 21 turn onto Route 78 EAST, go about ONE mile and turn onto Airport Road and go 1000 feet and Franklin County Field Days Site is on your Right.
09-29-2012, 08:33 PM
wow what a day!!..learned alot and had a blawst..what a wonderful group of people...thankyou for a very fun day...
10-01-2012, 07:31 AM
wow what a day!!..learned alot and had a blawst..what a wonderful group of people...thankyou for a very fun day...
x2. An excellent event, informative and met some great people. Thank you FCSMA for putting that on. A job well done.
Fairfield Sugarmaker
10-01-2012, 12:39 PM
wow what a day!!..learned alot and had a blawst..what a wonderful group of people...thankyou for a very fun day...
Thanks so much for coming to our event!!
10-03-2013, 09:14 AM
Franklin County Sugar Makers' Maple School
Franklin County Sugar Makers Maple School will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2013 at the Franklin County Field days site in Highgate, Vermont.
Dear Sugarmakers:
I am pleased to announce our second annual Franklin County Maple School! We will be hosting this event on Saturday, October 12, 2013 at the Franklin County Field Days site. Vendors will be setup for a trade show and there will be seminars and classes throughout the day. Our list of Speakers and classes are as follows:
Registration will start at 8:00am and classes will begin at 9:00am. The cost for the day is $35 per person, which includes access to the trade show, classes/seminars, and a catered lunch.
Walk-in registration is welcome; however, we highly recommend pre-registering for this event as our maximum attendance for the maple school will be 300 people. In order to reserve your spot at the event, please pre-register by filling out the attached portion below and mailing it to the following address, along with a check made out to FCSMA:
Ryan Howrigan
701 Johnny Bull Hill
Fairfield, VT 05455
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the Franklin County maple school!
Kind Regards,
Kyle Branon
The registration form and the schedule for the day is available for download at
Jason Gagne
10-04-2013, 06:28 AM
Newest Schedule of events for the Franklin County Maple Sugarmaker School 2013:
Schedule of Events for October 12, 2013 Conference
8:00 – 9:30 Registration Begins & Trade Show Opens
8:00 – Hydrometers Drop off for verification
8:45 - Welcome by Matt Gordon(VMSMA)
9:00 – 10:00
Room A: - UVM Proctor Center: Tim Wilmot- Developing New Tapping Guidelines
This presentation will discuss our work to develop research-based tapping guidelines appropriate for today’s high vacuum sap collection techniques
Room B: Cornell University’s Uihlein Forest: Mike Farrell will discuss chapter of the New release of The Sugarmaker’s Companion this book is the comprehensive guide maple producers have been waiting for in their pursuit of a profitable and sustainable business.
Room C: Henry Marckres, State of Vermont Dept. of Agriculture – New Grading System, how to use the new grading system on your syrup.
Outside: J.R. Sloan Tubing- Get a hands on approach to tubing installation. See how different options and ideas can help you operate more efficiently.
Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:30
Room A: Inspector, State of Vermont Dept. of Agriculture, SugarHouse Inspection and neutralization of chemicals
Room B: Nancy Patch, Franklin-Grand Isle County Forester - Sugarbush Health: Now and in the Future:
Join a conversation with Franklin-Grand Isle County Forester, Nancy Patch about the complexities of forest management and how to get the most out of the forest for long term sap production, and a healthy ecosystem. Stresses in this century are different than what we faced in the past. This presentation and discussion will offer ways to work with nature to get the best results.
SugarHouse: Taste of Sweetness, Cooking Maple Confections for Beginners - intro to the basics - Maple Sugar, Maple Cream, Maple Jelly
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 1:50
Room A: Leader Evaporator – Filter Press operation, everything you ever needed to know about operating and filtering syrup.
Room B: D & G will discuss and show how new automation in the sugarhouse can save time and money. New RO’s that almost run themselves and the ability to access an RO and Vacuum pump via PC or Smartphone.
Room C: Connie Burns, Public Relations in the Sugarhouse
Outside: J.R. Sloan Tubing- Get a hands on approach to tubing installation. See how different options and ideas can help you operate more efficiently.
2:00 – 2:50
Room A: Tapping Seminar (hands-on) Glen Goodrich and Evan Branon will discuss and demonstrate the importance of proper tapping. We only have one chance each season to tap are beloved maple tree.
Room B: CDL Topic, Leaks in the Sugarbush, discussion on finding and manging your vacuum systems.
Room C: Canning Round Table – We all make the most wonder Maple Syrup, now how do we preserve, can, or bottle our syrup. A question and answer session for all sugarmakers. Or, create something new.
3:00 – 4:00
Room A: LaPierre USA will demonstrate how a reverse slope sap lifting system should work, choosing the right system for your sugarbush, and discuss the limitation of reverse slope sap lifting systems. Sap lifting with vacuum is a very dynamic system with ever changing variables, this is a must see for current producers lifting sap or soon to be sap lifter.
Room B: – Nancy Patch– Harvesting Options for Sugarbush Management: Comparing management options including crop tree release, uneven-aged management and even-aged management. What is the best choice for you?
SugarHouse: Taste of Sweetness- Cecile Branon Cooking with Maple; See how to use substitute maple products in recipes, or coming up with your own new recipes. We will explore ways to new!
If you have any question send me and email:
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