View Full Version : saddles
08-18-2012, 07:54 PM
Does anyone make saddles for 1/2" maineline? I know 1/2 " line is crap but i have a small pipieline set up behind my house and it would be a little easier if i had saddles for it but i cant find any........
There was a young man on the other maple site asking the same question just the other day. I think someone said you could buy a saddle for 1/2 inch but it only connects with wire ties. I thought they said you can buy them at Bascoms. Please don't hold me to this but I think that is what I read. Depending how many saddles you need you could add one foot sections of 3/4 pipe wherever a saddle is needed. This way if you ever went to vacuum it would be like a little vacuum booster at every saddle. Just a thought.
08-19-2012, 06:21 AM
When you say other maple site are you speaking of S.B.I? That is where i spend most of my time but that site is dead right now. I remember seeing the style you zip tie on..........i will have to look into it. thanks.
08-19-2012, 07:07 AM
I think this is what you are looking for
08-19-2012, 08:54 AM
yup, that was me spud. the ones from bascoms are held on with wire ties, and i have heard they should be fine with vacuum, i was also thinking of using hose claps instead of wire ties just because it should seal even better, but would be more expensive, but not by much, i think im gonna try both and see which works better
08-19-2012, 06:39 PM
Most connectors I've seen or used have been the type that connect in the mainline with a barb connector and have 4 line connectors, these seal good and hold up to vacuum well. I think the hose clamps might not seal to well. let us know how they work.
08-20-2012, 07:18 AM
the problem i have with those it my lats are spread to far apart and are on mostaly one side of my main, which i just put up yesterday
08-21-2012, 08:09 AM
I use the 3/4" saddles with a little modification. What I did was cut a 2" piece of 3/4" tube, slice it down the middle taking out about an 1/8". Then put a little silicone on the 1/2 where you want the saddle. Put the 3/4 tube over the 1/2 , drill your hole and clamp the saddle in place. In place for 2 years now with no leaks.
Hate to say it but "silicone"? Is this something you would eat? What will people do to save a few bucks even when there is an appropriate product available?
Thad Blaisdell
08-21-2012, 08:43 PM
Only one way I know of silicone to be food grade, and it begins with DD lol
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