View Full Version : NH Maple School- hold the date- October 27th

08-13-2012, 10:54 AM
Still some details to work out, but enough things are in place to put something up on the Trader.

New Hampshire Maple School

Date: Saturday October 27th, 2012 8:30am-3:30pm

Location: Winnisquam Regional High School West Main St. Tilton, NH

Cost and registration- to be determined.

NH Maple Producers Association, UNH Cooperative Extension and NH Timberland Owners Association (NHTOA) will be putting on a "NH Maple School".

So far folks who have agreed to speak and topics include:

UVM Proctor Research- couple different research topics-

Vicky Smith- NH Dept of Ag- Is your sugarhouse ready for an inspection

Glenn Goodrich- Goodrich Maple Farms - "running laterals and mailine saddles" and "wet/dry manifold options and mainline fittings"

Tom Patterson- Lapierre- Releaser choices and releaser maintainence

Daniel Lalaine (sp) - CDL- evaporator fuel choices and cost comparisons

Steve Roberge- UNH Cooperative Extension- backyard sugaring start ups + "getting 500 taps to work for you"

Chris Pfeil from Maple Guys- Filtering and Bottleing for quality

Steve Taylor- Former NH Commissioner of Ag- Marketing the NH Maple Brand

Dave Fuller- tubing system cost planning and estimating

Someone from CDL- vacuum pump choices

NH Forest Health Division- sugarbush health issues- ice storms, pests, etc...

NRCS staff- are efficency grants and cost share programs for you?

- and more workshops being added-

and hopefully a panel discussion at the conclusion of the day about new technologies in maple production or the something like that...

More info to follow- but wanted to get the dates out there so hopefully we get a good turnout....

PM me if you have more thoughts or suggestions- definetly still a work in progress-


08-13-2012, 11:48 AM
I will give up a day of hunting to be there!

Amber Gold
08-13-2012, 01:07 PM
Nice job to Eric and others. It looks like an action packed day. Looking forward to a close one this time.

red maples
08-13-2012, 04:45 PM
Hey thats my birthday....I wanna go!!! Nice work Keep us posted with the details!!!

red maples
08-14-2012, 12:36 PM
its the same day as the international maple grading school in CT. this year which is Oct 26/27th!!!

09-16-2012, 06:15 PM
any updates?

09-16-2012, 07:02 PM
The brochure will be available this week- was just waiting for the website to be up and running that will allow folks to register and pay online. As soon as its available I will post a link to it on here...

Everything has come together well for the day- very excited to be part of bringing this to NH...


red maples
09-17-2012, 08:20 AM
thanks again Eric.

I will def. be there!!! and very excited about it!!! keep us posted.