View Full Version : Jasper's Sugar Bush?

08-06-2012, 11:32 AM
I can't find these folks on the Trader - at least under this name, so if anyone knows them pass along this interesting story:

I was recently in Westcliffe, Colorado and happened to be in a knick-knack shop when I came across a little .25L Michigan syrup container with their sugarhouse name on it. I thought it was pretty wild how far their syrup traveled and decided to extend its journey by bringing it back to Massachusetts. Unfortunately for me, it's empty, but I guess the original customers liked it.

Anyway, it made me wonder where our syrup sometimes ends up. Pass this along if you know them. They are in Carney.


08-09-2012, 07:28 AM
Cool Story! They are in Michigan's Upper Peninsula...

Here's their website: http://www.jaspermaple.com/

08-12-2012, 09:25 AM
I had someone I know real well ask me why I was selling over priced syrup in a truck stop in North Dakota. He came across some cabin tins that I did many years ago. I had only bottled a half a case and quit because I found that they leaked around the neck. How they got there I have no idea. What I was worried about was that after years someone would buy them and then I would get a call about spoiled syrup.

I bet a lot of syrup is purchased and resold that I did not know about. Also what would keep someone from having stickers made with my name on it, that is why I went to custom printed jugs.
