08-04-2012, 06:45 PM
I've found out about an Amish mill that makes baseball bats down the road about 15 miles. They sell 3 ft edgeings by the skid. Each piece has at least a 3 inch edge on it. The skids are 3x3x3.- for $ 20. I've been crunching the numbers on it. 27 cu ft to a skid 4 skids is almost a cord for $80, I'm thinking on getting some. It seems to me , it would only take a few minutes to zip a skid in half, for 18 inch pieces. That's just a little short for my 2.5x8 evaporator, but time is money. I also have forks for my skidloader so there's no problem moving them to the sugarshack. Also forgot to mention it's all hard maple, should dry good and burn good. It looks to me like it would be a better deal than, say a pickup load of wood for $75; you would have to unload it, stack it ,and then get it to the sugarshack. I have wood cut, but to supplement the pile, it don't look like a bad deal!!