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whitetail farms
07-31-2012, 06:28 PM
hello, i have a small bros. 2x6 with a drop flue pan that had like 3 leaks i fixed 2 of them using silver solder and i cleaned it really well, but the one hole just keeps leaking am i doing something wrong or should i just take it to a shop to get it tig welded?,thanks nick

07-31-2012, 07:11 PM
is the solder sticking to the pan? if not you probably have the wrong flux. if it is sticking, what i found was to just build up lots of solder and then use a propane torch to melt the solder to spread it out and cover alot of area and stop the leak

Greenwich Maple Man
07-31-2012, 09:04 PM
If it were my pan I would take it to Grimms or Leader same place in Rutland and have them solder it right. It will be done right and will not leak after. Might cost a little something but you won't have to worry about it when you need it. Any dealer could do this but they would be the only one I know of close by with a guy and a shop there. Well wirth the money in the end. Long time ago I bought a used rig and the front pan leaked. They fixed it and never had a problem with it. My two cents.

whitetail farms
07-31-2012, 09:10 PM
the solder is sticking to the pan and i also had the area covered very well with solder,and i might just bring it to leader the next time im down that way but do you think getting it ti
welded is a bad idea

08-01-2012, 05:20 AM
DON'T try to tig weld it, if it is a soldered pan it needs to be soldered to fix. It maybe made of 430 stainless (becomes very brittle when welded). Should be a easy fix for the guys at Leader, they have worked on the old pans I used to boil on several times and did a great job. The guy I used to boil for used to say , I will bring them back up to Leader and see if they can get me 1 more year out of them before I have to replace them. 10 years later he is still using them.

whitetail farms
08-01-2012, 05:39 PM
okay ill bring it there on friday,but where abouts is this place and what is the name of the dealer

08-03-2012, 06:56 AM
Leader is located in Swanton Vt. give them a call to see when they can take it in.

NH Maplemaker
08-03-2012, 08:05 AM
Leader #802-868-5444 Address, 49 Jonergin Dr. Swanton VT. 05488 Also have a Fax #802-868-5445

whitetail farms
08-03-2012, 11:49 AM
i took it to the one in rutland on pine street,he said that my flue pan is in pretty bad shape but thell try to make it work for me