View Full Version : Our Addition
07-30-2012, 04:35 PM
Well our plans have changed. Sad to say we are not building the 12x18 addition for next year. But we are building the 20x18 addition! :D had to do it. We recieved plans for the 20x18 instead of the 12x18, so we went for the 20x18. It'll give me room for all future additions to the equipment inside. Maybe an RO when at 500 taps :rolleyes:
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Oh, by the way, what are some things that a sugar house should have when built, and inside to help and aid while boiling?
07-31-2012, 12:55 PM
Considerations for new sugarhouse:
1. Placement of equipment both what you have now and will have when you have fully grown your bush.
2. Placement of fuel source and how it will be moved from storage to point of use
3. A warm place about 32 deg. F. to protect your RO and the same time dissipate heat from the RO.
4. Where RAW, PERMEATE and CONCENTRATE will be now stored now and in the future.
5. Floor Drains for existing and future equipment.
6. Power needs for RO both now and Future
7. Storage of Drums
8. Storage of DE
9. Filter Press location.
10. Draw off side and location of draw off tank.
11. Vacuum Pump Location, humidity trap and releasers.
12. Steam Hood and Vent Locations try to avoid removing a rafter after construction of the sugar house.
13. Point of entrance and egress of the facility.
14. Alternate exit.
15 Room and placement of Non-Sugarmaker visitors.
16. Kitchen Facilities for making other maple products.
17. Warm Wash water and how it will be produced.
18. Alternate power sources if desired.
19. Business office
20. Bath Room Facilities if the general public will come to your sugarhouse.
22. Power Requirements (added 8/5/2012)
Other considerations:
Are you a non code enforcement building or does your community code enforcer have jurisdiction.
Tax implications so your building is considered a farm building not commercial establishment.
Proper permits for construction.
This is not meant to be all inclusive but only to allow you to clearly think what your sugarhouse will look like in 2012 vs 2022.
Andy deLivron
08-04-2012, 02:06 AM
Thanks delivron.Excellent tips.I read out your interesting and informative post...i feel fervently about this and I like learning about this subject.Everything in this post is completely true.I agreed what's said above.
08-05-2012, 12:22 PM
Good listing, I'd only add proper lighting and shelves to store all the tools/equipment.
08-05-2012, 03:59 PM
One other item that is obvious when I look at your equipment list! Your item lighting made me look back at recommendations.
Power now and future. It will surprise many what there needs will be with pumps, vacuum, and RO's
for some 200 AMP service is more then enough for others it could exceed 600 AMPS
08-25-2012, 09:59 AM
Havent been on all week and there's a good reason. the lumber came tuesday and the trusses werent supposed to come till next week but came wednsday. Started digging holes with tractor and post hole digger thursday, and that was not the best tool so we rented a better digger and got them dug. Then as me and my dad were getting set to set posts, we asked the roofer/carpenter who was working on other things to help. After they finished up they helped us get the posts set and get some perlins up. Last night the trusses went up and now we are working on getting the windows and doors in. I know I know, pictures, they will be up as soon as i have a change to get them up.
08-25-2012, 07:23 PM
Pics uploaded into the member galleries. Go look and see!
cur dog
08-26-2012, 03:31 PM
Very nice. I can't wait to see the whole thing when its done.
08-26-2012, 06:55 PM
The one side with the man door got Metal today. It looks good with the tin.
08-30-2012, 07:33 PM
Alright, Its done. One week ago the holes were drilled and posts were set. the building is constructed and completely inclosed with the tin. Except 2 pices of trim that need to go by the sliding door inside. It is all good to go and ready for the water line digging and the concrete after. So happy that it went up so quick with all the help. Pics tomarrow I hope!
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