View Full Version : Flying with Syrup?
07-12-2012, 10:23 AM
I know a topic like this came up before, but I couldn't find it in a search. So, apologies in advance.
Are there any dos, don'ts, or tips to flying with syrup? I'm bringing a few quart-sized jugs to friends out west. I'd like to bring some glass bottles because they look nice. Is that playing with fire? I'm planning on packing them with my checked bags.
Is there any danger to the jugs b/c of altitude or air pressure? How about with the TSA? Do big jugs of liquid get red flagged?
07-12-2012, 11:45 AM
Pad glass very well, wrap in multiple heavy plastic bags incase it does break. 4 ounce restictions are for carry ons only(i believe). Planes are pressurized for altitude or we would all have serious problems. You will deffinatly need to have it labeled so as not to raise any suspicions.
07-12-2012, 12:12 PM
Wrap well with bubble wrap and expect the bagage carriers to whip your bag around.
Don't plan on takeing any onboard into the cabin. Unless you are under 3.4 oz.
I have been ammazed by some recent damage by airlines on products in my bags.
If you have any doubts check out this link.
07-12-2012, 01:16 PM
I'm planning on packing them with my checked bags.
As long as they are in checked luggage you should be fine. You aren't allowed to bring liquids in carry-ons, unless they comply with the 3-1-1 rule. Use plastic jugs, and put them inside a zip-lock bag to be sure. I've had several people tell me about having syrup end up over everything in their suitcase.
07-12-2012, 06:54 PM
It's true that the 3oz rule is only for carry-on. I've flown with syrup in glass many times. Plastic is definitely a safer bet, but I've never had one break on me. My usual method was wrap in bubble wrap, double zip-loc in one gallon freezer bags, then incorporate your clothing into the padding scheme, i.e. don't put the syrup near any of the edges, but wrap it in shirts and put it in the middle of the luggage. I also usually completely covered the bubble wrap in tape, my theory being that it would prevent the shards of glass from cutting the ziploc bags. Like I said, plastic is a safer bet, but you're right, glass looks schnazzier. Good luck whatever you decide, that stuff is expensive out there, I'm sure they'll appreciate it.
maple flats
07-12-2012, 07:27 PM
Quick note, you SeanD, you had posted this thread twice, I deleated the other one.
07-12-2012, 09:44 PM
Oh, you mean that's not what he meant when he said that this topic had already come up before? ;)
07-13-2012, 05:54 AM
All helpful info. Thanks, everyone. Sorry about the double post. My computer and/or the site froze while it was uploading and I must have hit it a second time while I was trying to get it to come back.
red maples
07-13-2012, 08:20 AM
Said a few times but a good zip lock back and check it. thats what I tell all my customers that are flying with it. it comes up alot.
07-13-2012, 09:30 AM
Two years ago during a visit home to Vermont I gathered a small stash of 1.5 oz and 3 ounce Maple "nips" thinking they'd be nice to give to friends I'd meet in my travels.
One morning I put one such piece of contraband in my canvas "tote" and proceeded through the TSA Security Theater at Green Bay, Wi. Airport.
Whoa boy - hold on - High Security Alert!!!. The belt came to a grinding halt. Agents descended on my carry on. "Glove up boys, we got ourselves a live one here!".
The offending Maple Nip was carefully- ever so slowly- extracted from my carry on. Hold it straight up, don't tip it. Don't jostle it - it could be one of those explosives that go boom when disturbed. Swabs were taken of the exterior. Given that it said "Maple Syrup" on the label, the Agents were no doubt looking for gun powder residues.
The Ever Vigilant Agent demanded ":What IS This???" My response, of course, was that it was a sample bottle of Pure Vermont Maple Syrup.
Agent Keystone told me my violation was "Failure to encase it in a 1 Quart See Through Zip Lock Bag." A "1QSTZLB" in Agent parlance.
I said "Fine, please give me one".
By this time a Supervisor with a James Bond earpiece had arrived on scene and was communicating with HQ via his wrist watch. "We here at Green Bay do not provide 1 quart see through zip lock bags. You will have to go to the gift shop and pay the lady a quarter to buy one".
Ah but not so fast I was in security never-land. I had to await an Escort from 2 Local County Mounties. We all linked arms singing Cum By Ah as I was escorted to the gift shop, quarter in hand, to procure my personal 1 quart zip lock in which I would encase 1.5 ounces of Maple Syrup.
Much to my amazement, my tote bag containing the maple syrup (now neatly imprisoned in a 1QSTZLB) literally sailed through the x-ray and popped out the other end. No questions asked.
As I collected my belongings, I asked the Flint Eyed Minion of the Law who had intercepted the contraband initially what, exactly, was the purpose of the 1 quart see through zip lock plastic bag"?
Her straight faced reply: " "When that Maple Syrup explodes at 32,000 feet, as it surely will, the Zip Lock bag will contain the explosion so that the wall of the airplane is not ruptured, sending you and the other 50 people on the plane to a sure death over Lake Michigan".
As I departed I told her the only place that Syrup was going to 'explode' was on a stack of pancakes somewhere in the middle of Iowa!
I've also had home made apple and blue berry pie confiscated. Those, I now understand, are prohibited Gels. Homemade brownies, on the other hand - are solids and sail right through that tunnel, no questions asked!
07-13-2012, 10:17 AM
Whoa boy - hold on - High Security Alert!!!. The belt came to a grinding halt. Agents descended on my carry on. "Glove up boys, we got ourselves a live one here!"
While your post may have been made in jest, I personally am happy when the system works. In this case, you had an undeclared liquid that was not in the required quart-size bag (to limit total volume and thus the damage potential of any explosion) and not exposed to the view to the inspectors. Given that some explosives can be made in liquid form, and some are shock sensitive (so they need not be set off in any way other than smashing the lighting a fuse or setting off an electrical detonation charge required), my personal opinion is that you did the wrong thing and the inspectors absolutely did the right thing. Given that it is unlikely that any terrorist would put such a liquid explosive in a container labeled "liquid explosive", the inspectors have to treat any infraction, even if it is a liquid in a container labeled as something else (gee, sorry about that explosion and the deaths of the 200 passengers and crew....but they told me it was just maple syrup and I believed them), as a possible threat. Yes, it may seem like overkill, but better to seem a little silly than to find out otherwise at 35,000 ft going at 500mph. Instead, your mistake only inconvenienced the 20 passengers in line behind you because the inspectors were doing what they were supposed to do (since you hadn't).
When I do something stupid (like leaving a small multitool with a knife in my briefcase), my reaction is not to criticize the inspectors, but rather to apologize to them for causing the trouble and thank them for doing their job properly. Their job is difficult enough.
Very well said Doc. It surprises me how many people complain about airport security. I have no problem spending an extra hour or so at the airport all in helping to keep me and others safe.
maple flats
07-14-2012, 05:37 AM
I agree, while the security is bothersome, unfortunately it has become necessary. I would be real upset if a loved on (or anyone else) were lost to a terrorist efforts because the security believed the culprit that is was "maple syrup for gift giving" and did not do any checking. If I was one who died in such an effort I like to think I'd be making syrup in heaven and not just in the inferno arch of satin.
07-19-2012, 08:36 AM
Well, the syrup got the attention of the TSA. I ended up going with just plastic and I double bagged it and I packed it deep in the middle of the bag. When I got to the hotel, I realized the lock was missing from the bag. I got a little nervous and started to feel around for the syrup - it wasn't there! Just before my blood boiled over, I found it in another part of the bag with only one ziplock still on it and the bag was wide open. Fortunately, the syrup looks unopened, but the hang card got a little trashed.
I guess the syrup did raise eyebrows. I'm glad the syrup is okay, but I'm a little annoyed they snapped the lock off and weren't very careful with the syrup. I called the airline and they basically said that they didn't have anything to do with it and that the TSA is supposed to leave a note in the bag if they have to open it. There wasn't a note.
All in all I'm glad the syrup made it and I'm glad security is being thorough. That's what's most important. I just got my feathers ruffled from trying to do the right thing and still not doing the right thing. Maybe I should have declared what's in the bag when I check it or maybe put a sticker on the outside saying something. I actually thought of doing that, but then I didn't want to draw too much attention to the bag. I don't know.
So, I thought I'd pass on what happened and maybe it's helpful for anyone else flying with syrup.
red maples
07-23-2012, 10:05 AM
I haven't had a an issue with traveling with it but honestly I don't even lock my bags anymore I had 2 locks cut from my bags over the years and no notes either. (not that I was aware they needed to) and yes security we all hate it but agreed it is something that is now needed to protect our saftey from the crazy nut balls out there. Too bad now the rules on movie theaters are going to change next with this mess out west...your going to have to have a full cavity search to watch the next disney cartoon movie with your kids. not to change the subject but what an awful story out there!!! feel bad for those folks!!! I personally hope that guy gets everything thats coming to him. maybe a caining or something than just rotting in jail everyday!!!
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