View Full Version : bottling area questions

cur dog
07-09-2012, 12:59 PM
I'm working on putting together my bottling area. My intention is to eventually get inspected and sell our product. What are the major do's and don'ts? This is what I'm thinking now.

All stainless utensils and equipment.
Shatter proof bulbs, or covers.
Three wash basins. Soapy water, rinse water and hand washing sink. (is a resin type double sink acceptable?)
Hot water
window screens
drain covers (inside and out)

What else?


07-09-2012, 01:19 PM
Cur Dog
SST tripple bowl sinks are for wash, rinse and sanitize
A seperate handwash sink is a must They MUST be Stainless steel in MN. and KS.
Water heater must get to at least 140* and Hand was must get to 70*
Prolly going to want an air break on drain lines thats in case your sewer backs up....It will run all over the floor and not into your sinks
Hard non flaking surfaces on walls and ceilings EI the fiberglass board that theyhave at Meynards in the 4'X8' sheets with the connector strips
Floor must be tile or sealed concrete, Not porus...In case you use it for something other than syrup bottling...It's a cross contamination thing.
Your dead on with the lights Flourescent with the plastic tubes over them is your cheapest route
Fire extingisher is a must if any heat sources in the room IE... stove to heat
Seperate closet for mops, cleaning supplys, soap whatever these can't be kept where they can come into contact with the foods
That's about it other than ventilation...Depending on heat sources they may require a air make up fan...Altho I think with a syrup bottling there won't be any noxious or overwhelming fumes

07-09-2012, 01:34 PM
Something I forgot,
They will want either atleast a 6" leg or all equipment on rollers so it can be pulled out and cleaned, I'm sure there are some little things I'm forgetting
I don't know in your area but you might have to have a SERVE SAFE Cetrificate as well It's about $200.oo and has to be renewed every 3 years
Depending on your inspector you may need to have sanitizing/bleach test strips as well (They are a good idea) to make sure your ppm. is the correct strength
You may also have to have a seperate mop sink come to think of it
One last thing if your selling out of state don't tell the inspector...Then the USDA gets involved ANY THING THAT CROSSES STATE LINES the USDA gets involved...Syrup, pickles, BBQ sauces,beef jerky...all of it...
I'm building a mobile bottling truck for my Pickles and sauces...The regs are alot more leinient

07-09-2012, 01:56 PM
Just get in touch with your local ag extension it is not hard to get licensed for syrup you don't need all the fancy stuff spec was talking about and if you want to do other things besides syrup just talk with the inspector it is going to be the easiest thing.

cur dog
07-11-2012, 12:22 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll get in touch with the local inspector.
It sounds like regulations and enforcement can vary greatly from state to state and between inspectors.
My wish is to be both legal, and produce the highest quality product possible. I can also see where a bunch of regulation can quickly price the small producer out of the picture.