View Full Version : July Journal

07-04-2012, 03:55 PM
It's the fourth and I don't see a journal so I'll start one. Very nice weather here in western NY, but getting way too dry. Not doing much maple related stuff right now, except canning up some syrup last week. Got out the boat and motor, getting ready to go to Buck Pond in the Adirondacks next week hope its hot and no rain. Happy 4th , Sudz

07-10-2012, 12:26 AM
Ages since I've been on here.

As a result of some some family problems and a sudden move its unlikely I'll be making any syrup at all next year. My father split with his wife so I no longer have access to their yard where I stored wood and built my block evaporator. I'm also now living in an apartment building so sap storage would difficult.

Oh well. I'm hanging on to my equipment and will hopefully be able to make syrup again in the next few years. By this time next year I should have my bachelors degree will be on the look out for a new job and new place to live, hopefully with another awesome landlord that will let me tap their trees.

Dennis H.
07-10-2012, 09:02 AM
Thanks to Paddymtn passing info where to get some of those IBC caged tanks I now have 2!
One is going to used for hauling sap and the other I may have a use for it but I'll wait before saying what for.

These ended up being nicer than I thought. I did not know that they would have a sump style drain, these little babies will fully drain. They came with a 2" Banjo fitting and ball valve. I'll have to reduce that down a little, don't feel like wrestling a 2" hose.
Also will be modifing the top with a larger opening, I want to be able to get in there and clean.

07-10-2012, 09:31 AM
Uh oh Dennis do I see an ro in you future is that what the other tank may be for.;)

07-10-2012, 12:43 PM
Just got the new high pressure dayton blower in the mail, 10 gallons of syrup warming up in the bottler for my new retail account, 80 degrees and no humidity......all around pretty nice day.

07-10-2012, 09:48 PM
Update on the blower. Holy crap its loud, I'm going to have to really sound proof the new evaporator.

07-25-2012, 08:57 AM
Heading out in an hour for Maplerama. Sure to be a good time. Going to get to Rutland tonight, drive over to Bascom's tomorrow to sell some bulk, then back for the social hour.

maple flats
07-25-2012, 12:53 PM
Please post the prices Bascom is paying.

Amber Gold
07-25-2012, 02:26 PM
I'll be at Maplerama as well. Who else is going?

red maples
07-27-2012, 09:19 AM
I am jelous!!! have fun!!!

The good news we are getting a little rain today finally!!!

The bad news I have a baby cotton tail rabbit in the garden. there is only 1 I guess thats good. Locally low population of fox and coyotes as of late is spiking the rabbit population. they seem to be everywhere. No distruction as of late but we'll see how that goes maybe I will let him go for now when he/she get a tad bigger I will huntin' wabbits!!!

I used hunt rabbits all the time when I was a kid. when I first started hunting my poor dad would put me on the path and he would make his way through the brush!!! kicking them out to me. I would use his 20 gauge and he would his 12 gauge every once in a while he would shoot too soon and the rabbit was mush!!! OH well!!!

07-27-2012, 12:00 PM
done nothing maple, wont do anything maple until September. Busy wiht the opening up of our Ice Cream Shop.

07-27-2012, 12:29 PM
Brad our rabbit population seems to be on the rise this summer. We had great rabbit hunting here for years, but the past 4-5 years the coyotes and a seemingly increasing redtailed hawk population has hurt their numbers. We also have the occasional bald eagle but I doubt they affect the rabbit population.

07-30-2012, 08:41 AM
I guess I spoke to soon about not tapping this year.

Just got permission to tap about 1 acre of woods nearby. Its mostly oak and black birch but there are still more than enough sugar and red maples for me to tap.

Being in an apartment means no block arch, but a relative has an old gas grill I should be able to rig up decently for boiling. Propane is more expensive than boiling with wood, but I'm also not out there chopping wood and it will be my only expense.

07-31-2012, 12:30 PM
Syrup is selling very well this summer - I dont' mind spending time sitting in front of the re-heater filling containers because that means syrup is going out the door!

We've got most of next year's evaporator wood cut up but not split and stacked on the pallets yet. No rush - that's good September/October work.

We have several trees down in the woods that need to get cleaned up - not an unusual amount considering our tap count. There's always a need for evaporator or furnace wood!