View Full Version : help on ro units

06-25-2012, 04:40 PM
i recently purchased some land with a working sugar bush i was told by the son of the owner who has recently passed that it is about 3500 taps all vacumed lines and averages around 1000 gal of syrup a year and all equipment is around five years old. except the taps lines which may be older
it has a leader 6` by 16` evaporator with steam away and is fuel oil burned and processes 500 gal an hour of sap i was told that i could spend about anywhere from 7000 to upwards of 16000 in fuel costs. so i am trying to cut down on expenses right from the start and looking at options. i would like get an ro to help out. what could i get away with for now then upgrade later compared to what i can grow with. he has no real idea what it makes a year $$ for sure or anything too much about this operation the one who ran for his father has moved and i can not reach him for costs and yearly gross. also what would i need to start up every year as far as tubing taps etc to have on hand begining of the season any info would be helpful thanks any advice would be helpful. i did gathering as a kid and always wanted to invest in a sugar bush for either hobby or businees and now i have a chance.

90 acre property
3500 taps on vacum
hoping to increase to 5500 in a few years

Thompson's Tree Farm
06-25-2012, 05:23 PM
1000 gallons of syrup should give you a gross income of approximately $30,000 (more if you can retail most of the crop). I would consider getting a 600 gallon per hour expandable RO to help limit your fuel oil expenses and boiling time. Where in NY are you? I'd try to visit local producers who are using up to date vacuum systems so that you can keep your new purchase updated and producing at an optimum level. What kind of spouts are currently in the bush? You should consider using new spouts or spout extensions or check valves each year. A leak free vacuum system operated at high vacuum levels could easily increase the syrup produced to 1500 to 2000 gallons per year. More syrup=more income.

06-25-2012, 08:46 PM
I would stick to selling sap for a few years and use the income to first replace all of your lines and tubing, then upgrade to a new, smaller evaporator and then buy the RO.

06-26-2012, 05:18 AM
I would buy a used 600 RO if you can afford it. I would make sure your vac is set up for 25 inch or more. I would buy the new CV2 spouts and not change much else for now. You will have to fix some pipe in the woods but that might not be all that much. Like Thompson tree farm said you should make about 1500-2000 gallons on a good year. I would run my RO all day trying to get 15% or so and then boil for an hour in the evening. If you get 3500 gallons of sap in a day you could make about 75-80 gallons of syrup. Your rig could do that in less then an hour. You would only use 25 gallons of oil or so. Good luck to you and have a lot of fun.


maple flats
06-26-2012, 07:07 AM
My RO came from Ray Gingerich, In Orwell, Ohio. It cost $3200 for a 250 gph unit. Ray makes 500, 750 and 1000 gph units at very reasonable prices. Mine is Honda powered but he also makes electric driven. Do a search on here, there are several threads about Ray's RO's.
If you want a name brand, check out our sponcer, The Maple Guys, they have good prices for big maple company RO's.