View Full Version : Why use firebrick when using thermal blanket?

Daves Maple Farm
06-21-2012, 03:01 PM
Hope in correct forum...so here goes. With thermal Blankets why do you need fire brick too?
Cant one or two layers of thermal blanket to the same thing, or do you need the brick for the heat?

maple flats
06-21-2012, 07:37 PM
Need more info- If you have a wood fired arch the blanket needs physical protection. With oil-gas-chip-wood pellet or any other automatic feed arch you don't need the brick.

Dennis H.
06-22-2012, 09:24 AM
No you don't need fire brick if you are running thermal blanket on ANY arch.

But,,, you better be real careful firing a wood fired arch. That blanket will stand up to no contact of wood being thrown in there.
Like Maple Flats said in an oil fired evap thermal blanket is all that is need and in some cases all you want. The benfit of the oil fired evap is that it can be turned on and off when needed and without all those bricks there is no large thermal mass in there that will cause the pans to stay hot once you flip the switch.

06-22-2012, 05:54 PM
Should I use cement with fire brick if I use a thermal blanket?

06-22-2012, 06:54 PM
I think most cement them in. I have seen them put in with out with no problem. Mine have cement.

maple maniac65
06-23-2012, 07:19 AM
I run ceramic blanket under my flues and on the ramp 2" deep (on top of the brick and arch board). The results are 100gph on a 2 1/2x8 leader revolution. Incredible heat and no loss on the ramp. My choice and it works. I just replace the balnket every 2 years. Brushing the flues catches the blanket.

07-02-2012, 09:36 AM
in a wood fired arch I can't imagine not protecting the blanket with brick. rutland makes furnace cement in a caulking tube, thats what i used when putting in my brick over blanket. i just dry laid the bricks on my ramp over arch board.