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View Full Version : New evap. move with firebrick or not?

06-21-2012, 09:51 AM
So i ordered a new 2X8 from CDL and they just called me asking if they could brick my evaporator for a video they want to make and will only charge me for materials. They are doing it at the warehouse and then delivering it. My question is how much do you guys think a 2X8 would weigh full of firebrick? It sounds nice getting my arch bricked for me, but I think it might end up being more hassle than it is worth.

06-21-2012, 11:13 AM
I agree! There is no way for the refractory cement to make the move without cracks! They may just be bricking it with no cement, I would ask. Also, that weight is an awful lot of stress on the frame of the arch.

06-21-2012, 11:18 AM
I would agree with Sandman

06-21-2012, 12:15 PM
If the brick is cemented n place - it is way-too heavy to try to move. Tried that - doesn't work! However, if they they are dry fitting brick for your arch - and they are willing to do all the partial block cutting (such as over your fire door) and take the brick out in some logical order - I'd say its worth it. Perhaps you could even get a copy of the video and then brick and cement your unit in place based on the video!

maple flats
06-21-2012, 12:56 PM
If they guarantee safe delivery, I'd say go for it. I moved my evaporator 2 times with brick in place and cemented. I had 2 slings, 1 about 6" back from the front, 1 just where the ramp meets the rear section and 1 about 1' in from the back. I then lifted it with my tractor and forks, To do it I held the bucket in place over the evaporator, then I tightened the 3 slings using HD ratchet straps. I tightened each to barely lift the unit off the floor. Then I raised the bucket and moved it. On my 3x8 I ended up with 1 sling supported from the rear edge of the bucket, one from the rear upright on my clamp on forks and the last from a cross piece clamped across the tips of the forks. Both times it worked well. If you have a tractor with a FEL that can lift the weight, go for it. You might also consider hiring someone with a heavier piece of equipment to lift it if needed. In the end you should get a perfect bricking job. Tell them you want a complimentary copy of the bricking job video.
I suggest you make a deal with them, like 20% off on the materials too.

maple flats
06-21-2012, 01:01 PM
Another thing, if you are considering AOF, have them do that too, as an enhancement.