View Full Version : Stressed out soft maples

06-19-2012, 04:01 PM
Anyone else noticed the leaves on the soft maple look very stressed. just wondering if it might have anything to do with the warmup we had dureing the start of the sugaring season, and then the freeze up after the buds came out.

06-19-2012, 04:49 PM
We only have sugar maples and we've been watching them for signs of stress from warm weather this spring, have not noticed any issues with them.

red maples
06-20-2012, 09:27 AM
No issues here everything looks great!!! and we had similar issues with buds/ late freezes etc.

Green Hill Maple
06-22-2012, 06:07 PM
What spieces of Soft Maples are you refering too? Red Maples? I do own 1 with a little Die Back, but it is fairly Mature so its to be expected.

06-23-2012, 06:44 PM
Anyone else noticed the leaves on the soft maple look very stressed. just wondering if it might have anything to do with the warmup we had dureing the start of the sugaring season, and then the freeze up after the buds came out.

Just up checking our softs and they seem fine. The problem I had with the warm up on our softs was where the tap was there where cracks either above or below the check valve that created vacuum leaks. So I pulled the taps and when I was just up there they are healing fine. Got me puzzled why they cracked. It only happened on the soft maples.

Flat Lander Sugaring
06-24-2012, 06:24 AM
Please educate me on the signs of stress of a Maple tree.

Thompson's Tree Farm
06-24-2012, 07:11 AM
Just up checking our softs and they seem fine. The problem I had with the warm up on our softs was where the tap was there where cracks either above or below the check valve that created vacuum leaks. So I pulled the taps and when I was just up there they are healing fine. Got me puzzled why they cracked. It only happened on the soft maples.

My guess is the check valves were seated too hard. Soft maples, particularly the smaller ones with smooth bark, split very easily when tapping. I had to re educate my tapping crew when we started tapping soft maples.

06-27-2012, 08:13 AM
Our yard trees are stressed quite heavily and I believe it was all due to the heavy winds we had a couple weeks back. They really got abused in that wind as they are torn from the wind and lost nearly a half of the leaves. Our yard after the wind looked like fall and i had to put my mulcher on to shred up the leaves on the ground. I think Paul you will find that is what caused the stress.

06-28-2012, 06:28 AM
That is what I`m hearing. Wind is the culprit. I`ve seen a lot of wind on the hill before but never saw this kind of damage.

06-28-2012, 07:40 AM
here, in western ma, alot of my soft maples are only half foliated. the buds came out early and got froze

06-29-2012, 08:01 AM
I know between the 80 mile an hour winds mixed with hail they took a beating in that storm, it isn't only the soft maples but the hards took bad too. I know you got the same thing, because I was driving by while it was happening.