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View Full Version : Oatmeal turning blue?

06-15-2012, 05:32 AM
I received a question from someone and they said that they moved to Connecticut a few years ago and purchased some syrup from another producer and when ever they mix it with their oatmeal, it turns it a shade of blue. He's since purchased other syrup from other producers (mine included) and those do not do the same thing.

I'm thinking it's perhaps a reaction of a trace mineral in the other producers syrup but I'm not a chemist and I don't know. I thought I would ask here to see if anyone has ever heard of this or know why this may happen. Anyone have any ideas?


06-15-2012, 06:16 AM
.... some syrup from another producer and when ever they mix it with their oatmeal, it turns it a shade of blue. He's since purchased other syrup from other producers (mine included) and those do not do the same thing.

One possible reason would be due to heavy use of a chemical contaminant (used in tubing cleaning, unintentional addition) without rinsing, or more likely an adulterant (intentionally addition) sometimes (rarely) used by unscrupulous producers to keep sap clear. I could tell you....but then I'd have to kill you all, and that would just be too much work. :evil: It is something very easily tested for and generally not found in syrup except in extraordinarily trace amounts....unless it is added.

happy thoughts
06-15-2012, 06:33 AM
Wow, that's strange. It'll be interesting to see if anyone can come up with an explanation. I'd think it would have to be more than just a trace of anything to turn a bowl of oatmeal blue. Maybe it was in the oatmeal??? I know that about 10 years ago Quaker used to sell an instant oatmeal for kids that turned blue, but that also contained shark shapes, etc. so it looked like the ocean. I suppose though that your customer would have also noticed the fish :lol:

happy thoughts
06-15-2012, 06:41 AM
Obviously Dr Tim had the answer. Boy, I must type sloooooow:o

red maples
06-15-2012, 07:22 AM
maybe they mistakenly got blueberry maple syrup??? hmmm talk about peeing in your cherios...would that turn them yellow??? :lol:

06-15-2012, 07:38 AM
...would that turn them yellow??? :lol:

Yes, but would it be Fancy or Dark Amber?

06-15-2012, 02:00 PM
One possible reason would be due to heavy use of a chemical contaminant (used in tubing cleaning, unintentional addition) without rinsing, or more likely an adulterant (intentionally addition) sometimes (rarely) used by unscrupulous producers to keep sap clear. I could tell you....but then I'd have to kill you all, and that would just be too much work. :evil: It is something very easily tested for and generally not found in syrup except in extraordinarily trace amounts....unless it is added.

He did contact the UConn extension service and they mentioned acids and anthocyannin to him. I'm not familiar with those as I've only used pressurized water to clean my tubing and vinegar to clean my pans.

Is that something that they can test for? It scares me that there might be some guy out there selling tainted syrup and that gives our whole brand a bad name. I wouldn't want to accuse the producer of something without knowing for sure.

06-15-2012, 02:21 PM
He did contact the UConn extension service and they mentioned acids and anthocyannin to him. ...
Is that something that they can test for?.

Probably not either of those. If you have some, send it to me. Good thing is that it isn't likely to be hazardous.

maple flats
07-12-2012, 07:22 PM
I like the blueberry thought. I have lots available upick if anyone is interested. You will however need to label the product as containing blueberry.