View Full Version : Memorial Day

western mainer
05-28-2012, 05:50 AM
17 years ago 10 of us started a band to do the 3 Memorial day parades, because the high school didn't have a band, 12 years ago music and band was added back in the schools. 17 years later we are still doing all 3 parades. I will be playing taps as I did in high school. We just can't get the school board to get the band out there. At 54 and some members 65 plus it's a long day. We will keep it up till our school takes over.

05-28-2012, 07:38 AM
Brian....Thank You! "Taps", especially on Memorial Day always evokes some pretty powerful emotions with me. After serving two tours in Iraq and one to Afghanistan, taps is always bitter sweet. It gives me a moment to reflect and honor all those that paid the ultimate price serving our great country. Although the memories are painful, I'm grateful to individuals like you and your band who honor those that have died serving our country! Again, thank you.


05-28-2012, 10:00 AM
Brian, - Thanks for your service to our country. It's hero's like you that allow me and my family to enjoy freedom as we know it. May God bless you and your family. May God bless America.


western mainer
05-28-2012, 02:40 PM
Thanks, but you need to be thanked. My Dad was in Korea and got shot 3 times, loss him three years ago. Sad to say the turn outs get smaller each year.