View Full Version : Broken Pump Shaft

05-15-2012, 04:45 PM
Our Airablo has a 3 Hp high pressure pump marked as model P5-0202 outputting 300 PSI

In a stroke of abosolute luck the shaft broke just as I was starting the final wash after our last boil.

Does anyone know who made these pumps for Airablo ? There are 4 ports on the pump body which I have not completely figured out. Part is for the recirulation and part for the high pressure. There are about 20 stages inside
and 2 cup seals 1 stage up and 9 stages up from the bottom. The drive shaft broke just under the splined coupling
for the motor. The motor and coupling on the motor are not damaged.

My guess is that it broke because there is such a long stack of unsupported stages. Welding it and getting it to
run true again would be quite a challenge.

Airablo sold out to D&G and D&G have not answered my request for price on a new pump.

Anyone know a source for this special pump ???

maple maniac65
05-15-2012, 08:00 PM
My Airablo vacuum pump had problems and Leader Evaporator in Swanton VT sent it back to the factory in Canada. I am not sure where it is but you might try contacting Leader. Just a thought.

05-15-2012, 08:36 PM
That's a common problem with those pumps. I have seen at least a dozen pumps over the last 15 years at various dealers with broken shafts or loose / jammed impellers heading back to the factory for repair.
From what I have heard Airablo used to fix them for free or at least help out with the cost, not sure how DG will treat this but the pump is proprietary to them and they will be involved in the repair one way or another.

05-23-2012, 04:26 PM
well I've exchanged about 10 emails with D&G and they so far have refused to offer the parts to me or to give me
a quote or even an estimate on the cost of the new shaft.

They want me to ship it back to them. I'm not going to bend over and give them a blank check.

There are other suppliers out there that are more co-operative.