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View Full Version : Would A De Laval Coumatic Receiver Jar work for high vacuum?

Bruce L
05-15-2012, 10:13 AM
We still have one of these jars from milking days,just wonder if it would work okay for higher vacuum(24" or more vs the 15" that it ran at for milking cows) It would be great if it would,then then I could have it pump into tanks instead of a releaser dumping into only one tank.

05-15-2012, 06:21 PM
Bruce, I have one of those and although I'm not on high vac. I have no doubt it would work just fine. Let er buck.

05-16-2012, 08:18 AM
It would probably work. Just make sure there are no deep scratches, nicks, pock-marks, etc. in the glass or around the rim. This will be a weak point at which the jar could implode under high vacuum. You don't want to be around if that happens. If there are imperfections....don't use it.