View Full Version : Lost mom today......

05-03-2012, 06:50 PM
It certainly is gonna put a gaping hole in our lives. She was 87, & have her to thank for bringing all of us up right in our family. Appreciate all your prayers, & I will never forget all she had done for me.......John

maple flats
05-03-2012, 07:04 PM
I am sorry for your loss. Many will say, well she had a good long life, but the fact is she will still be missed. May you and your loved ones weather this storm in the cycle of life. God bless her soul.


backyard sugaring
05-03-2012, 07:44 PM
Sorry for your lost. I can tell she was a special person by the way you wrote about her. I will keep you in our prayers. Lee

Sunday Rock Maple
05-03-2012, 07:46 PM
Her age reminded me of the phrase "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent........" It was a great speach by a great man at a very sad time to honour the fallen. It's clear from your words that you have honoured her and that puts you in very good company. I'm sorry for your loss.

05-03-2012, 08:11 PM
sorry for your loss- if your a sugarmaker that speaks volumes in my book that you were raised right....

05-03-2012, 08:36 PM
John - I am so sorry for Your loss. Although my Mother and Father passed over years ago I still hear and see them in my minds eye. Some of the actions of my Children, Grand-children and Great grand-children at times remind me of my parents - So they are never really gone - but remain a part of us. May Your Mother join all her Family that have passed before and be forever happy in Heaven. -----Mike-----

05-03-2012, 08:46 PM
So sorry for your loss. You had her a long time and you won't be here long enough to ever forget her. God bless her.

05-03-2012, 08:55 PM
so sorry to hear of your loss.........you are in our prayers.......

Thad Blaisdell
05-03-2012, 09:00 PM

Sorry to here, terrible thing to lose your mom. No one else in the world like your mom, she forgives everything, and asks for nothing. God bless and take care.


05-03-2012, 11:40 PM
Sorry for your loss,we will keep you in our prayers. They never are really lost though I thank God every day for the parents I had.

05-04-2012, 05:26 AM
Thanks guys. Appreciate all the kind words, it means a lot. We have a lot of family, & some of it is flying in from as far away as South Carolina, so I consider this basically a second family, as I believe the Trader is one of the best cross sections of America there is.

05-04-2012, 10:52 AM
Allgreen, I feel your pain, I"ve gone four sugar seasons without my Dad and one sugarin without Mom. She was our family historian, each day that we boiled she wanted to know how much we made, what the grade was, and who stopped to help or visit. Just recalling this pulls at my heart. I guess sometimes we take good times for granted and don"t put enough value on them till it"s too late. Hang in there.


05-04-2012, 01:18 PM
Deeply sorry about your loss. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


western mainer
05-05-2012, 07:47 AM
Sorry for your lost,It's hard. It's been 3 years now with out my dad.

05-05-2012, 07:53 AM
sorry for your loss, I'm still feeling the pain. My dad passed away 2 yrs ago, just had sale on Thursday of all his tools and whatnot ,feels like a part of me was leaving with each item sold
We just got to remember all the good times. My mother in law passed away last April and just had a memorial service yesterday for her at Heshey Medical Ctr, she gave her body for the med students to study. It's been pretty hard on the emotions, hoping for a break for awhile. Anyway , I know it's tough but the only answer is keep traveling on ,and trying to do our best to those around us.

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-05-2012, 03:17 PM
Sorry to hear this news John, first time I have been on in a few days. If you need anything just over the border give me a call, dont hesitate