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View Full Version : Gast 0823 for 300 taps

05-01-2012, 08:39 PM
Hi Still looking for a pump to put on my 300 taps

What you guys think about the gast 0823...

Looks good to me but really not an expert


05-20-2012, 11:19 AM
I've used almost the same pump for 4 years now. We have a pair of the 1023 pumps.
We started with only one on about 650 - 700 taps and when the system was reallllllllll reallllllll tight, we got
very close to 21". We run 3 releasers, no ladders, 900 feet from the pump(s) to the first releaser and then Y split
another 400' and 600' to the second and third releasers. I was hoping to inrease the vac a few inches by adding
a second pump the second year but that was a big disappointment. It could be I was not maintaining the systrem
as tight the second year. My impression is that in real world use they do not get the linear vac that the charts represent.
I think that over 21" will be nearly impossible to get in a bush where the trees give us a certain amount of wood gas.

In any case, we love them. Nearly mainenance free, oil free.

I think you should be very happy with the 0823. We got ours on Ebay for about $ 150 - 200 each.

05-20-2012, 08:24 PM
Thanks for the reply, So i'll be looking for one on ebay

Thanks again

05-21-2012, 05:06 PM
Theres one in the classifieds on Sugarbush.Info. Looks like a great buy http://www.sugarbush.info/forsale/showproduct.php?product=144

Specklefield Farm
05-22-2012, 12:36 PM
The biggest problem I see with the Gast 0823 is the lack of CFM that it is capable of. Where they are rated for 26.5"/hg of vacuum, they only are rated for 8 cfm. Don't get me wrong, I run Gast pumps on my sugarbushes (1550's), and have had good luck with them. Even lifting sap 10 feet, still have good vacuum at the end of a (verrrrry) flat, 400' mainline.