View Full Version : Kickstarter

05-01-2012, 01:01 PM
I'm a long time member here and I hope this doesn't come across as spam but I wanted to mention a site that I recently found called Kickstarter that might be helpful to some here. I'm not sure if anyone has ever tried this site out, but it's a site where you can create a project say to expand or do something better and if you can find enough "backers", you get the funding for the project.

It's mostly for artists, but I noticed a growing number of farmers looking to do things like build greenhouses so I decided to try a project. I'm not sure how it will go (I'm only 5 days in) but we'll see. I'm trying to get a CDL maple sugar machine. My thinking is that I can not only make my own sugar but provide a service of converting others maple syrup to sugar for them. If you want to see what a project looks like, here's ours: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/691127832/balsam-woods-farm-real-maple-sugar

Again, I thought this might be helpful to some here, so I hope it actually is.