View Full Version : Snow and the Shack
12-14-2003, 07:00 PM
Boy it seems unless I was to tyveck the shack, the snow still finds it's way in the nooks and crannies of my shack, not that it's that big of a deal, just agrivating. went to long efforts to flash and seal the coupla, and the blowing snow tonight still slightly coming in ...What did the ole sugarmakers do with the shacks you could see out of each board? just shovel the snow out after each storm or melt it out at season start :wink:
checked again out there... seems to be ok...maybe I got nervous!!
12-15-2003, 07:34 AM
I'll bet they didn't get to excited over it.Just part of sugaring back then.Besides when your out there with the steam just-a-howling off the pans,you wont have a care in the world about that little wisk of snow that just puffed it's way in,around, or down a crack or cranny. (Unless its your own crack.) :P Then it will be an issue! By the way,all you snow hogs on the East Coast could send some this way! The kids had to gather snow from the whole yard to get enough to go sledding down the front hill.
P.S. only 400 more posts and we're tied
Hi guys, my sugar house has it share of cracks around the the doors. No worries!!! :D Once I get that baby up to boiling speed who will care. Just another way to get the steam out of the house.
Rick you can come up to Vermont and get some snow. We have so much we can't slide!!!! 8O Took me two hours to clear the driveway this morning!! That was fun of course!!! Today the wife took of work. So we made candles and sugar cookies. The boys and I built there first snow fort together. :D
Have a great day!
12-15-2003, 06:18 PM
Check your ridge vent (cap) the wind likes to blow snow up through their, I have that problem. I'm going to install alum. flashing on the inside of the roof up by the ridge vent I think that should keep the snow from blowing in. Kind of like a double ridge vent.
We have almost a foot of the white stuff here. What a differance one hill over makes Rick :lol:
12-15-2003, 06:41 PM
it wasn't as bad this time since I put the foam vent thingys that go under the ridge vent and at the soffit. we will see how it does after the rain and wind we are supposed to get tomorrow I did sone silicone also at the flashing!! things are looking up.
Rick.. Take all the snow you want when you come in ... Jan??
12-17-2003, 04:11 PM
Hey i just looked out the window and there is some white flaky stuff falling from the sky. Thanks guys for sending the snow over my way! :D
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