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View Full Version : Just ordered my new evaporator

Thiems sugarshack
04-16-2012, 08:51 PM
Went to Bascoms today and ordered a new leader 2 by 6 evaporator with a four foot max flue all raised flue pan and a 2 by 2 patriot syrup pan with the inferno arch and steam hood held off on the preheater because there is so many things different then my plain jane leader 2 by 6 drop flue pleasure model changing to a raised flue and an air tight arch. Space is tight so thats the reseaon I stayed with a 2 by 6 but i shoild at least double my boiling rate.:mrgreen:

04-17-2012, 06:38 PM
Good for you. Hopefully next spring will be a little more kinder for all of us.

Thiems sugarshack
04-17-2012, 09:18 PM
Thanks how do you like the inferno arch? Have you had any issues with it I have heard somthing with the doors?