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View Full Version : I'm Hooked

Super Sapper
04-15-2012, 06:59 AM
My name is Bob and I think that I am a mapleholic. I put out 10 taps this spring and made about 5 pints of probably near syrup on an open fire. Since then I have put quite a few hours into this site and it has me hooked. Where I am at now is planning on about 100 to 120 taps (was only planning on about 60 a short time ago). As far as trees go I have 6 at home ane the mother-in-law has 10 that are over 36 inch in diameter and will probably taken down after she passes for development of the area after she passes. (she is 86). Nine are in a straight line of about 160 feet. I may look into a barrel in the middle and tube to it from each side but do not know if there will be enough pitch to come into the top of the barrel. A friend has some farm land about a mile down the road with a small wood on it and fenceline trees. There are maples and a ton of boxelder if I need more volume. Across the road is woods with maple trees and the two house are for sale. One has been for sale for 2 years now and they used to do maple syrup so I wll try to get those trees. There are trees spread out around my area so I can look into more if I need to.

I have plans for a 2 X 6 evaporator and am looking for more bed frame angle and have a friend that is going to get me some appliance skins to sheet it. A contractor we work with will weld up some pans for the price of the metal. He wants to use 16 guage and I am pushing for 18 or 20. I was just going to go with a flat pan for the flue but he is going to try to so something to flue it instead of dividers. He is not set up for real thin metal but they do awesome work on their stainless projects.

As far as storage, I just picked up two 275 gallon food grade totes and have access to 55 gallons drums and will look into getting more pails and also will make some bag holders to try them in sheltered areas. I will mount some storage on the four wheeler and get a bildge pump to help transfer. I have an electric "pressure cooker" from work and will get a stock pot to make a double boiler for canning.

As far as wood, I am collecting pallets from work and my boss has some cut boxelder I can have. I will look at other possiblities as they come up. I have looked at bottles and costs of bottling. My problem is that I first wonder where I will get enough sap, then when I figure that out I need to collect and store it and then be able to evaporate it. As I get each figured out, I end up back at where can I get enough sap. It is only April and I have not made the evaporator yet so if I keep going like this I will need a bigger evap. by spring and haven't even started yet.

I have preheater ideas and will build the evap. with AOF and AUF capabilities but do not know if I will use them yet. I have no shack so it will be outside this coming year and hopefully I can build one in the near future. I will also put a system on the evap. it use wheels to move it out of the garage and back in during the off season.

I just want all of you to know that I hold you responsible for my addiction!

04-15-2012, 08:37 AM
I know these folks are terrible aren't they??!! I got the addiction this year and even bought a Leader Half Pint Evaporator Brand new this year and it was my 1st year!

Now I am going to go from 11 Taps to about 50 all on my property!

It's a blast!

You should look into Honey Bees and Bee Keeping too! All that Honey will go good with the Syrup and you can sell it too!

My 1st Honey Bees arrive Today!:cool:

Clarkfield Farms
04-15-2012, 11:45 AM
Hi. My name is Tim, and I'm also a maple junkie. And like other junkies I use money set aside for other things like my kids' college fund for buying tubing and tools and supplies and other paraphenalia.

OK, so my daughter has been out of college about a year now, but hey.... :)

04-15-2012, 05:56 PM
The bad news is that there is no known cure.....
But I guess as long as you are not stealing hub caps to fund your addiction, you have it (mostly) under control.

backyard sugaring
04-17-2012, 07:02 AM
Welcome to the most expensive syrup you will ever buy. You start off with a turkey fryer, then you buy an evaporator, then you build a sugar shack, tubing, ect. ect. It is like a race car you make it go faster and faster and it is never enough. Good Luck. Lee

Super Sapper
04-17-2012, 01:08 PM
It will be hard waiting until next year but I have a lot to put together before then. My dad is also looking at doing some on their 80 acres in Price County. I work in the dairy buisiness and have access to food grade materials so that helps. I also do a lot of troubleshooting of mechancial and biological processes at work so this is a great learning experence for me. i doulble dipped on the syrup Sunday as I made pancakes in the morning and had icecream at night. The little I have won't last long. This is a great site with people willing to help each other and hopefully when I get more experience I can add also.

04-17-2012, 02:14 PM
I look at as like owning a beautiful fancy Harley, all polished and shined up, you work on and tinker for 11 months out of the year. Adding accessories and custom pieces. But only ride for 1 month if you are lucky. But what fun and memories you make in such a short time. Actually a bike would be cheaper!!

04-17-2012, 02:30 PM
Yes great site and it is addictive also some of the wittiest and funny people tou have ever been around,and also some of the most ingenius people I have seen Good Luck

04-17-2012, 02:50 PM
I was thinking about this the other day, and I think PerryFamily points out a key aspect of it - those 11 months you have off. I get obsessed about stuff all the time, but then I get tired of it and move on. The beauty of maple syrup is that you get obsessed and work your *** off for a few weeks, then it all stops. You get 11 months to work on stuff and think about expanding, and then you're all fired up again the next year!

backyard sugaring
04-17-2012, 08:27 PM
I always say I have 11 months to get ready, but I usually end up doing it in the 11 month. Lee

04-21-2012, 09:48 AM
[QUOTE=Super Sapper;188909]My name is Bob and I think that I am a mapleholic.

I have written that same thing with my name inserted. Its funny how without really even knowing it we all seem to go through the same stages.