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View Full Version : New woods questions

04-13-2012, 04:57 AM
I was looking at a small woods on my neighbor field. He has 3or4 acres of maples on each side of a small field and with the lay of the land, the only way to get some of them is running across the field. There is good slope but it is about 500 ft across the field so I was looking for a good way to do it. I thought about the rapi tube but never checked the price and I don't want to run wire across the field and take it down every year. There is roughly 350 taps on one side and 450 on the other so I would like to put every thing together in one vaccum system. THIS IS NEW WOODS NUMBER 1!

I also was looking another one that has roughly 1500 taps in it but the bottom of the valley is quite a ways from the field (several hundred feet) so what is a good way to get the sap out of there and getting a bunch of gas for the pump down there. We could just pump it from the collection tank up to the tank on the trailer but that would require 2 people all the time so we don't overflow the trailer. THIS IS NEW WOODS NUMBER 2!

We only can do one system this year with the budget and each one has its own challenges, thanks for your imput and ideas.


04-13-2012, 05:46 AM
just run a wireless mainline, thats what im doing for all 3 of mine. mapleflats has given me tons of info on them and i understand it pretty good now. it dosent seem that hard to do either. and the second woods..pumping it back up is all i can think of doing.
