View Full Version : FW Webb Tubing Sale

red maples
04-08-2012, 02:45 PM
I got a flyer in the mail for certain FW webb stores don't if others will honoring the sale but black water pipe is nice and cheap.

3/4" x 100 ft $13.13
1" x 100 ft $18.96
1-1/4" x 100ft 32.45
1/1/2" x 100 ft 44.39

These are really good prices I don't know if they are just selling by the 100 ft or if they will keep the prices the same for longer lengths but the sale lasts until april 25th. Just an FYI.

04-08-2012, 03:02 PM
As I understood it prices are per 100' so good for all lenghts. Mine came in email from them. I think it listed most of the stores but I'm sure they will transfer to any location.

04-09-2012, 09:19 AM
I was just quoted the same prices over the phone for black pipe from the Rutland store. They also quoted grey pipe at $14.18/100 ft. The Williston store has the same prices on black and grey as well but they don't have it in stock at their site. They will have it transported from St. Alban's however, or you could pick it up there yourself.

They do have rolls up to 1000' and the price is the same regardless of length.

This seems like a really good deal for sugarmakers.

04-09-2012, 05:10 PM
Those are really good prices. My nearest store is Binghamton, Ny. I hope they have the same sale!


04-09-2012, 06:45 PM
Any fw webb will honor that sale. If they have any question im sure they could call one of the stores in vermont.

04-09-2012, 07:42 PM
Anyone know when the sale ends?

04-10-2012, 07:57 AM
You have to have your orders placed by april 25th.

western mainer
04-11-2012, 05:05 PM
Is there a different other that color gray or black? And how is it holding up in the sun? And how well does the saddles fit on this pipe.
Thanks Brian

04-11-2012, 06:14 PM
It is Charter Plastics pipe. Standard stuff. 3/4" saddles fit fine but I have heard that 1" is not so good and may need shims.

The grey is marked as "maple pipe" and is also Charter Plastics. I have also seen it marked as "mayotte's maple pipe". I suspect Charter Plastics makes pipe for many dealers and distrubutors. I picked up a 1000' roll of the black and a 1000' roll of the grey today.

Not sure if they have other colors available. It is all good quality pipe.

red maples
04-11-2012, 06:39 PM
Black water pipe...other than 30p and the like are standards in the maple industry. they are NSF approved!! much cheaper than 30p, it holds for years no worries. no break downs in the sun very durrable etc. Saddles fit perfect. (I use the racheting saddles myself) but anyway the black is widely used. Never seen the grey but I am sure its out there!!!

04-11-2012, 07:31 PM
ive used the black and gray. they are both high quality pipe and have never had any problems with saddles. i used the gray on a warm bush this year and it seemed like the sap was colder then years past.

04-24-2012, 09:39 PM
Ordered my pipe for the expantion today. Went with grey for the wet lines and black for all the dry lines. 26,000 feet in total. Didn't have any problems ordering and it averaged out to just over 20 cents a foot. Great deal! Got some wire up this past weekend so as soon as I have the pipe I'll be off to the races.


04-25-2012, 06:47 AM
Where did you order from? I ordered some from Binghamton.

04-25-2012, 07:30 AM
Today is the last day to order on there mainline special.

04-25-2012, 12:32 PM

I ended up ordering the pipe out of the Bennington, Vt store because when I called Binghamton they thought they could only get 100 foot rolls instead of 1000 and then I got disconnected so I just called up to Vt. The guy I talked to from Vt was really helpful and is having everything sent to the Binghamton store for me. They said it would probly take a couple weeks to get everything.

04-25-2012, 06:30 PM
thanks for reminder- called for three 1000 ft rolls just to have on hand.

04-25-2012, 08:14 PM

They told me the same thing but said they would check. Called back in a half hour and said i could get 1000'.

04-25-2012, 09:21 PM

They said the same thing to me when I first called and said they would check into it. I was in the middle of telling the guy what I needed to order when I got disconnected and when I tried to call him back I couldn't get through so I just decided to call a Vt. store.


Amber Gold
04-26-2012, 06:57 AM
How are the 1000' rolls to handle when unrolling? It would be nice to go a full run w/ no couplings.

04-26-2012, 07:34 AM
How are the 1000' rolls to handle when unrolling? It would be nice to go a full run w/ no couplings.

They are not too bad to move around. I'm a scrawny, but tough, :) little guy and I can move them myself. I built a spooler out of some scrap 2x4's and strapping that I can put all sizes of pipe rolls onto. It rests on a 3/4" cast iron pipe between two trees or posts and then I just grab the pipe and take a walk. It helps to have a 2nd person mind the spooler to prevent and tangles, but I have done it alone lots as well.

The 1000' rolls would be tough with out a spooler of some sort. I know some use a barb wire tool sold a Tractor Supply that enables you to drag the roll with one end of the pipe tied off but it would be tough with these larger roles. Fro some reason, the black roll I got is not as tightly bundled as the grey, but the spooler still works.

Amber Gold
04-26-2012, 10:25 AM
I confirmed and the local Webb can get whatever size I need it in and he quoted me the same prices.

How light is the charter grey? Would you cross a 300' field with it, or go w/ the white from Lapierre?

I went on Charter Plastics website to see what else they carried, and I couldn't find the grey poly, but I did find a blue poly. Would this be better to use in the woods than the black or grey pipe? The smallest size is 1".

04-27-2012, 11:47 PM
Picked up my 4 rolls of 300' 3/4 black pipe today at the Keene store.

The salesman showed me the new little section dedicated to sugaring they have now—fittings, saddles, wire ties, high tensile, tubing tools, etc. I don't know who else is in the Keene area, but you should know that is now an option. Not that Bascom's is that far away, but it's nice to know I don't need to make a separate trip if I'm missing some small item.

04-28-2012, 07:09 AM
wow thats pretty good for me, my friend races a modified at madnanock every weekend and i drive right by that webb store, so thats really nice that they have a whole section for sugaring. ill have to stop buy soon!


red maples
04-28-2012, 07:48 AM
Thats nice...there's not enough demand in the exeter area for them to start carrying maple supplies but it would be nice. Pretty good I don't need as much as some others but I got 500' 3/4 and 300' 1" for $122 can't beat that...I got 1000' 3/4" 3 years ago and it was around $200. The sales guy couldn't beleive how cheap it was....He said he's been working there for a few years now and he has never seen the prices that low!!!

just a side bar the sales guy said he does like 50 taps but he was one of the guys that waited to tap or at least put it off and put in 10 taps then it warmed up and it was over!!