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04-07-2012, 08:43 PM
Okay i was on here earlier and shut my computer off came back later and just like that the 40 posts that i didn't read now show that i read them. This happens all the time and it drives me nuts. Is there a button or somthing i am missing to turn this off.

Cake O' Maple
04-07-2012, 09:32 PM
No, there's no button. More people than you and I need to complain about it. I said something several weeks ago, and Tommie Sunshine said that we are "on" (I forget the computer term) for 20 mins, because initially he had people "on" for 24 hours and it screwed up counts.

After 20 mins, everything (almost--I don't get that part) will show as "read," but his suggestion was to refresh periodically, and that will reset the timer.

That's a serious pain in the patootie. Both the refreshing and the only being "on" for 20 mins. Before the maple season, I couldn't get through the new posts in 20 mins, and now I don't know how we are expected to get through 2-3 pgs a day in 20 min sessions. Especially on dial-up.

Another problem I've had is that after quite some time, my search will disappear, all the posts that were found. It can be when I search for new posts, or when I search for a term and look in old posts. With the new posts, at least I can copy the following address in and get the posts from the last 24 hours: http://mapletrader.com/community/search.php?do=getdaily

It doesn't help when I'm researching.

04-07-2012, 09:46 PM
I read that post thanks but all refreshing does is increase the database errors i receive. Than after a few database errors everything is gone.

Cake O' Maple
04-07-2012, 10:01 PM
When everything is gone, try that "get daily" link above. It doesn't solve the problem, but at least you can get back the new posts.

I didn't respond anymore after Tommie's response, because it looked like I was the only one it bothered.

Anyone else want this addressed?

04-08-2012, 05:23 AM
I work around that problem by:

Clicking the what's new button as the first thing I do when returning to my computer. I leave some page of maple trader open the rest of the time. If your browser was closed or your computer off, try using the following link as your bookmark for maple trader. http://mapletrader.com/community/search.php?do=getnew&contenttype=vBForum_Post

From that page I open all new threads or posts in a new window (or tab depending on what your browser calls it) that way your page of new threads stays open and untouched and you can read one post while another is loading.

If you have multiple pages of new posts you can open each page in a new window at the start and then have them all "saved" and ready to read.

04-08-2012, 06:14 AM
i leave the site up on my computer 24/7. i leave it up on the "whats new" and when i come back peiriodicly i just click that button again and it has all the new posts that i havent read.


Cake O' Maple
04-08-2012, 07:58 AM
From that page I open all new threads or posts in a new window (or tab depending on what your browser calls it) that way your page of new threads stays open and untouched and you can read one post while another is loading.

If you have multiple pages of new posts you can open each page in a new window at the start and then have them all "saved" and ready to read.

I used to do that periodically, when I knew I'd be interrupted, until my computer guru cousin convinced me that having lots of windows open really slows down how fast your computer goes. I didn't really believe him until he had me do it and look at, um, I can't remember now, and test it. [that's why he's the computer guru and I'm not] It really does make a difference on dial-up. Not sure on high-speed connections.

It's HARD for me to only have 3-5 windows open at once, and he just shakes his head at 5.

04-10-2012, 06:27 PM
Sorry..... once again i lost everything i haven't read including this thread i started and forgot where it was. I see no point in complaining about this and that because this site has no moderation. I have been doing the web thing for a while now i cant say i have ever seen a debacle quit like this. I see there is many members that have been on here for sometime how have you managed to communicate in this mess ?

04-11-2012, 12:52 AM
I work around that problem by:

Clicking the what's new button as the first thing I do when returning to my computer. I leave some page of maple trader open the rest of the time. If your browser was closed or your computer off, try using the following link as your bookmark for maple trader. http://mapletrader.com/community/search.php?do=getnew&contenttype=vBForum_Post

From that page I open all new threads or posts in a new window (or tab depending on what your browser calls it) that way your page of new threads stays open and untouched and you can read one post while another is loading.

If you have multiple pages of new posts you can open each page in a new window at the start and then have them all "saved" and ready to read.
Thats just nuts, we have to create a complete work around because of data base errors that by the sounds of it have been going on for awhile. Why does the web master not just fix the errors to begin with? I dont get it. With all the members on this site one would think the time would be spent to make it run smooth? I dont get it!