View Full Version : Maple Mania

04-06-2012, 08:33 AM
During the second week of June 2012, MMPA will be hosting our second annual Maple Mania. This year Maple Mania will be held at the Four Seasons Convention center in Portland. This years conference highlights will include a huge trade show, a full array of technical sessions, and sugarhouse tours in York County. Syrup producers from all over Maine and the northeast will meet for this exciting three day event. The price is very reasonable this year and the knowledge and fellowship will be priceless. Ask anyone who attended last year. You won't want to miss out.

For further information go to:http://www.mainemapleproducers.com/

05-03-2012, 08:25 AM
Registration forms are now available on the Maine Maple Producers website. http://www.mainemapleproducers.com/