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View Full Version : sap storage and dirty foam

03-29-2006, 08:09 PM
Up until this morning we have been getting snow white clean foam on the evaporator. Yesterday, thinking I would speed up the heating and boiling process I brought 100 gallons into the house and let it come up to temperature overnite.

Today we are getting a grey brown dirty foam on the evaporator. Did I bring this on myself by letting the sap sit too long at higher temp or is this just a change that happens as the season goes on.

I noticed today that all the trees that were near the pond are just about turned off. Trees up and just over the hill to the north are flowing well.

The syrup is still coming out lighter than "Vermont Fancy" but not as blonde as it was for the last few days

03-29-2006, 08:29 PM
It is not good to warm up sap until just before boiling it but if you are still making light syrup so be it. There is bacteria in the sap and warming it up to room temp for 8 hrs(overnight) will really cause the bacteria to explode. But again if the sap was good enough beforehand then you really didn't harm it but it could have dropped a grade or two.

03-29-2006, 09:58 PM
Thanks for the comments Keith.

The first batch from the dirty foam run has just been bottled and the color match

The color did drop to between Vermont " medium amber and A dark amber.

I think I better go back to plan A ... keep it outside in the cool.

Thanks again