View Full Version : bulk prices

alltapped out
03-31-2012, 07:36 AM
a question not needing to be ask much. Does anyone know if bulk price per pound was set yet and whay it is? I would like to sell my syrup locally but need the faster bulk price to pay for operating expence,(gas, upgrades, ect.) Normally I have enough for both, not so this year.

03-31-2012, 09:22 AM
i just got off the phone with the dealer that buys my syrup bulk and he said the prices just came out a few days ago. they were 2.80 or light a med, 2.70 for dark 2.60 for b and 2 for com. and 1.50 for com, ropy and fermented syrup.

04-04-2012, 08:27 AM
Wait till fall, the price will go up.