03-29-2006, 07:38 PM
I was talking to a dealer today and he was telling me about the evaporator of the future. He has a 3x12 Leader raised flue with a steamaway and he is boiling 300gph or better. 8O 8O Yes, that is right. The key is that this evap of the future has 11 INCH FLUES. He is one of the few people that are field testing these new evaps and he stated there were no negatives to it in his opinion. It is in the Revolution set of pans which may be the only way it is available. According to him it will likely be available for sale possibly by next year due to all the positive feedback. :D

Sure will be a lot of 7 or 7.5 flued evaporators for sale in a few years. It will be interesting to see what it looks like as the flue pan will have to be close to 30" high. Kinda eliminates the steamaway and you can get the same rate as one with a steamaway and 7" flues. Imagine, 200 gph or more on a 3x12 with an inferno arch. 8O

Fred Henderson
03-29-2006, 07:55 PM
Bigger and faster isn't always the best. Someone was in the sugarhouse this past week and told of reading an article about this syrup boiling and it (article) said that syrup made with wood heat was better. Why stop at 11 inches, might just as well go 36".

03-29-2006, 08:36 PM
Did he say if the flue pan was 8'or 9' long. If I add a steam-a-way I'd probably get 210 GPH I bet it has a 9' flue pan.

03-29-2006, 09:25 PM

Maybe, but with a 9' flue pan, you might be in trouble with that much being boiled off in the back and it coming into the syrup pan at such a high concentrate. Doesn't make sense to me, but that is what I have been told. I would love to have a 3x12 with a 9' flue pan, yours sure is awesome. :D I haven't seen a 3x12 with a 9' flue, but I am sure there are a few customs out there.

I am not the least bit interested in one and I agree with you to a certain extent, Fred, but not totally. I seen no harm in building deeper flues and have wondered for years why the deepest was 7.5". Keith has this same evaporator with 7.5" flues and he could go from making 3.5 gallons of syrup per hour to 5 gph and use 1/3 less wood. :D We haven't gotten where we are today by sitting on our past accomplishments and I am referring to "we" as the industry as a whole. :D

This may turn out to be a big flop and it may also turn out to be that in 10 years 5 to 7.5" flues are acient. :lol: :lol: :wink:

My concern is that is a ton of liquid in a flue pan and is the pan strong enough to hold all that liquid over the years. I imagine a little extra bracing, but it will be interesting to see and especially what the $$ is. I am sure that all the other companies will be right behind them. :lol: :lol: