View Full Version : Low volume filter setup ?

03-28-2012, 07:11 AM
Ok, so i have been filtering using orlon prefilters and a wool flat filter folded to fit a funnel, with my production ( 4 gal this year ) this setup is slow and messy. I don't mind slow and messy since I love syrup:cool:, but should I look at building a canner that the filter can sit down in and stay warm/hot to increase flow ? I hear about the water jack canner and wonder if I should make one using two stainless pots, and add a filter hold so I can pour into it and let it slowly filter while I do other stuff, then draw the syrup off to bottle ?

A propane warmed setup would even let me do this in my shack instead of the house, a plus on the mess side. :lol:

Thoughts ?