View Full Version : Anybody know how the Canadians (Canadiens) are doing in 2012?

03-23-2012, 12:57 PM
Are they getting killed by this heat wave too? Looks like some sugaring weather here by next tuesday but by then, the leaves will practically be out.

03-23-2012, 01:28 PM
The trees are close to budding here in Nova Scotia. Cold nights starting again tonight but it might be too late, keeping my fingers crossed.

Russell Lampron
03-23-2012, 02:19 PM
The trees are close to budding here in Nova Scotia. Cold nights starting again tonight but it might be too late, keeping my fingers crossed.

Keep us posted.

03-23-2012, 02:35 PM
:Parry Sound Ontario.
In 2011 we started boiling March 16.
In 2012, we finished March 19 !!!
50% crop.
check this out:
Maple Production Agriphone report for the week of March 14 to March 21, 2011

Sap flow summary for March 7 to 14

Last week sap flow is reported during the weekend of March 12 and 13 in early southwest, southern and eastern areas of the province, where the sap collection season has just started. Sap was beginning to flow well in earliest regions on March 14 and boiling is expected March 15. All areas report syrup is of extra light and light colour grade with delicate maple flavour that is typical of the light grades of syrup. No problems of filtration are reported so far with syrup coming clear using normal filtering methods. In earliest southwest areas several producers have processed between 10 to 20 percent of a normal crop so far.

Sap flow forecast for the upcoming week

The long range weather forecast for the coming week of March 14 to 21 indicates that good sap flow conditions should occur in most areas of the province early in the week and then start again later in the week into the coming weekend. Nighttime freezing with warmer daytime thawing temperatures are expected over consecutive days early in the week and again later in the week. Northern regions of the province should also expect sap flow.

In addition to ideal temperature conditions for sap flow, a lower atmospheric pressure is also necessary to enable sap to flow out of the trees. A low atmospheric pressure combined with a higher internal tree pressure will cause the sap flow out of the tap holes. The larger the pressure difference the faster the sap will flow.

Most sugar bushes in the province still have good snow cover that continues to slowly melt. Melting snow and recent rain will provide soil moisture to help recharge the tree root system with each sap flow event.

03-23-2012, 05:58 PM
A number of sugarmakers in Southern Quebec ran into the same problem with the weather. They had barely any snow cover and the heat was too much. Too early to tell how the overall production will be but it probably won't be a banner year like last year.

03-23-2012, 09:08 PM
It was our first year tapping our bush, 1.5 hrs north west of Ottawa, Ontario.

Just 50 taps to start out which we put in on March 2nd and pulled yesterday. We had severely low snow coverage this year which was decimated by 1.5 weeks of +20 celcius (+70F) weather.

Pretty poor flow as well. We managed to get just 6 gallons of syrup, which is better than a kick in the pants, but it ended up being a lot of prep and initial costs for a pretty discouraging first year.

Most trees had budded in our bush by Mar 13, but the maples held off and just budded today.

Vermont Creation Hardwood
03-24-2012, 01:29 AM
Here in Northern Vermont, four miles south of the border, the red maples are blooming. Sugar maple buds are plump but haven't opened. The forecast looks good, so I'm holding out for at least one more run. I've pulled all my red maple taps. Will we get an end of season gift???

03-24-2012, 04:48 AM
That is the question! Red maples are budded out but sugars have not, 32 degrees this morning in central Maine with a forecast of in the teens coming. Will the freeze beat the buds? We'll see what happens pretty soon. I think that is part of the fun of sugarin', you never know what old mother nature will do and can you cope with what she dishes out?

03-24-2012, 09:29 AM
Depends where your at here.The sugar maples on the bush by work have that reddish tinge to them now which means they will probbably throw in the towel. My trees look okay still but I am allways behind everybody due to a stupid cold micro climate I have here. Corn won't even grow on my place but the neighbour can grow it.

03-26-2012, 09:36 AM
The sap flowed on the weekend, not great but I probably got 60% of normal sap flow. No buds yet and good sap weather this week coming.

03-26-2012, 12:19 PM
Here is the prices set for April 1st by the federation in Quebec, copied from the tapping Canada and tapping in Quebec thread, from what I've read, they are rising approx. 10 cents a pound over last year.
Minimum Quebec federation prices for 2012 are:
AA $2.89
A $2.89
B $2.87
C $2.79
D $2.52
N/C $2.29

Actual strategic reserve is 36.5 million pounds (A far as I know this is all from the bumper crop last year)

03-26-2012, 01:44 PM
it is 3% applied on 2011 price (Québec consumer price index)

03-27-2012, 12:25 PM
Didn't set my taps til March 4. Began getting sap March 7th; approx 1 gallon (12 taps, 4 trees) daily until March 22 when the wheels fell off. Nothing again until today, March 27th. Highest daily output this year: 2 gallons. Compared to last year's absolute craziness and almost endless boil-a-thon - I got 59 gallons of sap - this is tame. However I am very glad that I held off and didn't a) start tapping in mid-late February, like my mentors do; and b) didn't pull the taps during the heat wave last week. Now my trees are slowly starting to produce again. Only 1/2 gallon, but not disappointed!

03-27-2012, 02:21 PM
Wow its been a different year to say the least. Here in South East New Brunswick we are at about 1/4 of a season last weeks warm spell should of been a disaster but the sap ran last week it was 80F today it 18F looks like we might get some sap the rest of the week no buds out here yet but but people south of us have pulled there taps and didn't make a gallon of syrup and friends to the north still have 3' of snow in the woods.