View Full Version : A Story About A strong Willed Woman-My Mother

Bruce L
03-22-2012, 12:01 PM
Although I hit the half century mark soon,it has taken me this long to write this story.My Mother is only turning 75,but life has dealt her a cruel blow.2 years ago,she was having alot of stomach pains,many tests,xrays etc.,finally confirmed in the summer that she had liver cancer. Adding to this she also has Parkinson's,which her mother had,etc.She has been in a wheelchair,had a hip replacement,but is having increaded mobility problems.Early last summer,her cancer doctor told her the cancer cells had shrunk,everything was progressing as it should now .Just before Christmas she got the news that the cancer is back.She falls quite regularly,but refuses to give up.This past Sunday was one of my final boils,but she managed to make it back through the bush with the help of my sister and her husband,to come in and see the new evaporator..She sat down on the stool inside for awhile,then decided that she would like to go up the steps to look into the new max pan.I helped her up the steps,and a tear was coming to my eye(as it is now writing this) realizing this would be the last and only time she would probably be seeing this evaporator working.we carefull yhelped her down the steps and then she posed with me in the doorway of the sugarhouse,though I have not yet seen the picture I am sure my face or expression told the whole story of the realization of the future.She is the one who instilled pride in our syrup when we were featured on a tv show many years ago at how well our syrup was doing at all the local fairs including winning world champion twice.Though she didn't say anything on Sunday,I could tell by her reaction that she was proud of the way the next generation is making our syrup,and her worries were over that this new evaporator may change everything were put to rest.It just brings a reality check to you that no matter how your season goes,what equipment you have,how much you do or do not make financially sugarmaking,it is still all about family and instilled values passed from generation to generation.That's all I can write for now,thanks for lending me your cyber ears.

03-22-2012, 12:39 PM
Bruce that is both an awesome and sad and happy story! I am starting my Sugaring Career/Family as I am the first in my Family to Tap Trees and make Syrup. Hopefully one day I can pass it on to someone who has the same passion we all do! Thanks for sharing that and I know your Mom will never, ever be too far away from the New Evaporator or you!

03-22-2012, 01:15 PM

How sad to see the ones we love most coming to the end of their lives. Your mom sounds like a great lady and I'm sure she is very proud of you and all you have done. My Dad is in bad health and I am dealing with the same kind of problem. He's happy to see me back in Vermont and spending time with family. He calls almost everyday just to see how the sap is running. All I can say is life is short so try to spend as much time with your family as you can. There is a site you should look up ( oldfivepointer.org ) This site has helped many people who suffer from health issues and death in the family. May God bless you and your family.


Sunday Rock Maple
03-22-2012, 04:13 PM
Very well done Bruce.

"She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed....."

03-22-2012, 05:02 PM
Good story Good and bad memorys The good soon crowd out the bad Don't know if I could look at the picture but if it were to get posted I bet it would show two strong people

03-22-2012, 05:04 PM
Bruce, I so feel your pain. After growing up here in the Northwoods of Wi, we had all moved to the Twin Cities to make a living, now I am fortunate enough to be back up here. Only sadly now she is so badly effected by Alzheimers that we can't bring her up for a visit. It would be a good visit for all of "us" but not for her benefit at all. So sorry for you Bruce.

mike z
03-22-2012, 08:54 PM
My two best, most reliable helpers are 70 and 82 years old. Some day they too will make their last trip to the woods. But I think, like your mother Bruce, they still will be a part of it all. A season short like this one takes more then syrup away from some of us, it takes time away from being in the woods with our aging friends.

Walling's Maple Syrup
03-22-2012, 09:00 PM
Bruce, Thanks for sharing your story. It really makes you step back and think about what really matters in life.

03-23-2012, 12:53 PM

Thanks for sharing your story and I'm sorry to hear your mother is not well. I'm sure she's proud of what you've done with the sugar bush and that beautiful new evaporator. Long, drawn out illnesses are terrible for everyone in the family but at least you get the chance to enjoy these last few experiences with her. I'd give anything to go back to April 2008 and know that it was the last time I'd be making maple syrup with my father so I could have enjoyed the time together more and not be so tied up in all the unimportant details.

03-23-2012, 05:01 PM
Oh, this is just too much... so very sorry. my mom passed at 90 this past Oct. She was able to live in the house she was born in right to the end. We all made sure she was safe and had everything she needed. Her little dog, who is now with me kept her company. There is such a hole in my heart right now from missing her so much. So lucky that you can live so long now with all the miracles of medicine, but.... enjoy every moment! My mom was proud of us all, a strong woman like her sisters and mom and grandmother. She loved the maple syrup..... you're in my thoughts