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View Full Version : Cold nights on the way

03-19-2012, 06:02 AM
Will this get the trees going again or is it over. We will be back in the 30 for about 4 or 5 days at the end of the week....jim

03-19-2012, 06:14 AM
We are all hoping that the trees do not bud before that. If we can make it till the end of the week we may make a bunch more syrup. I was in hopes of getting between 80,000-100,000 gallons of sap this year. I'm not pulling spouts and shutting vacuum off till the 4th of July:lol::lol:


03-19-2012, 02:51 PM
The race between budding and freezing is on!!! C'mon freezing

03-19-2012, 04:45 PM
We've got some budding on some of our trees and the sap is pretty cloudy but still coming in (gotta love vaccum). We're making C grade syrup right now but it still tastes pretty **** good. Hopefully the cold gets here soon, I'm not ready to throw in the towle yet.

03-19-2012, 06:20 PM
We still have snow cover in the woods, 100% rock maple trees, vacuum and using the check valves. Hope these factors let us make it to Friday/Saturday when the cold temps are supposed to arrive. Could use a few more weeks of production. I'm sure we're in the minority, wishing for cold weather.

03-19-2012, 06:26 PM
I am pulling for all of you guys out east. My trees budded here in NW WI, before they even started. 9.5 lousy gallons of SAP, no syrup! That HURTS

03-19-2012, 07:17 PM
oh boy..9.5 gallons of sap period! Ouch..That is the way that I felt too Grama..seems like it took my bush a few weeks longer to thaw out than most others, then when it did Igot two good runs, then it got warm and never got cold at night...that was that.

03-19-2012, 08:52 PM
We are all hoping that the trees do not bud before that. If we can make it till the end of the week we may make a bunch more syrup. I was in hopes of getting between 80,000-100,000 gallons of sap this year. I'm not pulling spouts and shutting vacuum off till the 4th of July:lol::lol:



I was wondering how many taps you have? Also, how much vacuum?

03-20-2012, 05:24 AM
I have just shy of 5000 taps and my vacuum runs at 28 in the woods. I plan to tap 1000-1500 more for next year on my property and then I would be maxed out. Although behind my land is a 190 acre sugar woods that has never been tapped and owned by an out of state person. It's just a dream now but I am hoping to tap some of their trees next year.


03-20-2012, 07:20 AM
my 3000 tap bush is still giving me 1000gal. a day, even though it hasnt frozen at nite. I was going to pull the plug, last nite, another 1000 gals! now i will wait till this weekend. cold weather, maybe snow

03-20-2012, 04:41 PM
Thought once they decide to bud you can't stop em, but I am finding I know nothing about Maples...

Anyone still waiting with buckets ? Mine were dripping on Sunday when I pulled, cause I was out of storage and it was so hot I figured the trees had to bud any minute !

03-20-2012, 07:05 PM
my trees have not dryed up but do not taste much sweet. could the cold weather bring back the sweet in the trees?

03-20-2012, 07:12 PM
I tell you it is really weird..IT has been in the mid 70's here all week since my last boil on Saturday. The sugars dont look like they are even swelling up yet, some of the reds are though. I pulled the plug just because I thought for sure that they would pop, but they are still tight..Cant understand that..Havent had a night below 45 here all week so without vac it wouldnt have run anywyas.

03-21-2012, 05:38 AM
Buds are opening on black cherry, beech and red maple in SE Vermont. Sugar maple buds are still tight though I expect they will not be far behind.

03-21-2012, 07:53 AM
the roadside are budded now.......looks like the end.............:cry:

03-21-2012, 12:05 PM
my observations today:

Brookside trees = budded out, or almost budded out.

Roadside trees = yellow sap

"thin" bush with plenty of light and space between maples = just a trickle of sap, but good looking.

"dense" bush that still has snow on ground around trees and shaded roots = running a little better. Nothing specatular, but those may hang on and run over this weekend when the nights get cold again.

So I am going to pull the taps on the ones that are budded out and find some more maples in the dense woods with some snow. I had planned on cutting the hemlock out from this other bush over the summer, but if this works I might leave them. That will give me 3 staggered groups of trees and extend the season perhaps, or not. . . who knows.

03-21-2012, 06:09 PM

Good luck on getting access to the 190 acres on the back of your property. We're still taking in over 2,000 gallons of sap the past two days, trees have been at it for two weeks straight. Thought we would get a break today but not so much. Next two weeks look excellent for us on the border. Good luck

I have just shy of 5000 taps and my vacuum runs at 28 in the woods. I plan to tap 1000-1500 more for next year on my property and then I would be maxed out. Although behind my land is a 190 acre sugar woods that has never been tapped and owned by an out of state person. It's just a dream now but I am hoping to tap some of their trees next year.


03-21-2012, 06:55 PM
Just checked my best two buckets which once again, put out a gallon per tap. Unfortunately, the rest of my maples don't run anyway near as well. Dumped out most of the buckets tonite and will probably be able to pick up another 75 gallons from the pipeline. Will probably pull the buckets tomorrow see what happens on the pipeline.

Made 6 gallons of Dark Amber on Monday
Made 5 gallons of Good tasting B yesterday
boiled 75 gal today but no takeoff. Definitely commercial but not buddy.

03-22-2012, 07:53 PM
We are all hoping that the trees do not bud before that. If we can make it till the end of the week we may make a bunch more syrup. I was in hopes of getting between 80,000-100,000 gallons of sap this year. I'm not pulling spouts and shutting vacuum off till the 4th of July:lol::lol:


Spud, what kind of vac. pump do you have that will pull 28 in. because next year we plan to have 30+ in. in our woods. you can pm me when ever you can. thanks alot Samuel