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View Full Version : Just Getting Started!!!

03-17-2012, 06:53 PM
Hello all recently started my career of maple madness by investing in 50 acre, (previously posted) bush with 2-3000 taps. Mostly flat, 15% grade at the most. Wondering on set up. How many taps to one main line, vac. size to sustain such, RO?, just want an idea as to where to head first of all. Recently had forester determine stumpage values and made deal with local logger to thin bush, but, don't really know any of the particulars. Kind-of have a $5000 grand plan for each year starting with the initial $20000 i have to get things off the ground. Really need some good advice on storage, tubing estimations, RO, rig size and most of all where to buy used euip. if available thanx again

Bashaw Sugaring
03-17-2012, 08:12 PM
I run a sugar bush of 52,000. Ive used every thing you can think of. The best production invloves a wet/dry line, 1/4 inch sesonal spouts,2-5 taps per lateral line, if you have any questions email me Jacob

03-18-2012, 04:00 PM
Hey Jacob any is used tubing worth buying? How about extractors? Found several but dont know enough to tell you what or how it works. If im trying to sustain 1000-1500 taps should i buy the used ro @ $5000 600gph and set up to sell sap first year? Used rig deal on this site 1-4x12 oil, 1-3x8 wood $1750? That should generate enough revinue to pay for itself? Thanx again just trying to get headed in the right direction.

Bashaw Sugaring
12-27-2012, 06:51 PM
Hello, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. when you look at used tubing if it is hard its not worth it, but if its still rubbery its a great way to save money. If I was in your position I would buy the 4x12 oil, my brother runs another sugarhouse near mine and he has 1700 and boils on a 4x12 oil. he has no ro, so he boils for about 3-6 hours depending on the run. you should boil what you can and sell the rest of the left over sap.

The Sweet Spot
12-27-2012, 09:28 PM
I have just started the maple madness also. We bought a used wood fired 30"x12' Leader. Some very nice stainless tanks, and everything needed to go from tap to bottle. Included in the sale were setups from about 2000 taps. You can find videos on youtube to see simple ways to reuse the T's and most tubing. We are using new taps and drops, but the rest is reused and in great shape. Bend it hard and jerk it around if it cracks or gets a crackled look to the OD, don't waste your time. Look at the T's to see if they have heated with a torch to gain more sap. If they have the fittings will be brittle. I have saved a small fortune sitting in front of the T.V. But most of all, we have kept the monster pile of tubing out of the landfill.

Bashaw Sugaring
12-27-2012, 11:59 PM
that is awesome

12-28-2012, 07:37 AM
Heated with a torch to gain more sap ? Explain this to me, not heard that one before.

lakeview maple
12-28-2012, 07:42 AM
I havent heard that before either? Why would you heat the T with a torch and what would it do to give you more sap?

Bashaw Sugaring
12-29-2012, 04:33 PM
it thaws out you tee and the tubing carries heat through it, unfreezing sap in your lines