View Full Version : Sap Steady test

03-16-2012, 11:26 PM
So after losing more sap at the beginning of the season, and having ropy sap and syrup the last 2 years, I broke down and
got a Sap Steady.

First the best news is that the ropy sap did not re-appear this year. We may never know the source that the microbes causing it
came from, but I'm sure happy we didn't have to dump and clean again.

Secondly, I took a couple of jars from the same tank of raw saw and saved one straight out of the tank and the other after it
had been through the Sap Steady.

I used a diabetics blood glucose meter to test and there was about 15% more sugar in the sample that had been through the
Sap Steady after sitting for 4 days.

Both bottles got milky but the raw one had a lot more scummy junk floating around .. maybe the beginning of the ropy junk.
It's encouraging that we may have more flexibility in how and when we boil next year.